Thanks James! I'm not sure why I didn't think to do this on my own.  I
am going to add this to Issue 1333:

On Nov 12, 12:18 pm, "James Wheat" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Okay so after playing around with the code here is what I have come up with
> to fix the issue:
> TestImageBundle imgBundle =
> (TestImageBundle)GWT.create(TestImageBundle.class);
>         Image img = imgBundle.aeromexico().createImage();
>         RootPanel.get().add(img);
>         if(img.getElement().hasChildNodes())
>         {
>             //This is used for IE only I think because of the way IE renders
> images from the ImageBundle
>             //In IE the image is wrapped in a clipper element where as in
> Mozilla or Chrome the image element is placed directly
>             img.getElement().getFirstChildElement().setAttribute("alt",
> "testAlt");
>         }else
>         {
>             //This will set the element attribute for the other browsers
>             DOM.setElementAttribute(img.getElement(), "alt", "testAlt");
>         }
>         Window.alert(img.getElement().getString());
> I hope this answers your questions and if you have any other problems let me
> know,
> James
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 10:22 AM, markmccall <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Using GWT 1.5.2 and IE7 (both web mode and hosted mode) I am
> > attempting to add ALT and/or TITLE text to an Image that is sourced
> > from an ImageBundle, but the result is the "alt" and "title"
> > attributes are added to the "<gwt:clipper>" element rather than the
> > "<img>" element.  This is an issue for screen readers like JAWS since
> > the screen reader expects the "alt" attribute to reside on the "<img>"
> > element.
> > Sample code:
> >        Image clippedImage = MyImageBundle.myLogo().createImage();
> >        DOM.setElementProperty(clippedImage.getElement(), "alt",
> > "clipped alt");
> >        DOM.setElementAttribute(clippedImage.getElement(), "title",
> > "clipped title");
> > Resulting HTML:
> > <?xml:namespace prefix = gwt />
> > <gwt:clipper class=gwt-Image title="clipped title" style="PADDING-
> > WIDTH: 326px; PADDING-TOP: 0px; ZOOM: 1; HEIGHT: 86px"
> > __eventBits="131197" alt="clipped alt">
> > <IMG style="BORDER-RIGHT: medium none; BORDER-TOP: medium none; MARGIN-
> > TOP: 0px; FILTER: progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader
> > (src='http://localhost:8080/a/
> > A29BCAE7C99015EF96C61496A2D16C34.cache.png',sizingMethod='crop');
> > MARGIN-LEFT: -745px; BORDER-LEFT: medium none; BORDER-BOTTOM: medium
> > none" height=86 src="http://localhost:8080/a/clear.cache.gif";
> > width=1071 border=0>
> > </gwt:clipper>
> > Does anybody know how to force the "alt' and "title" attributes onto
> > the "<img>" element?
> > By the way, for those who do not know, you can paste the following
> > into your hosted mode URL bar and a new window will open showing you
> > the generated HTML:
> > javascript:void("\"text/plain
> > \");document.write(opener.document.body.parentNode.outerHTML)"))
> > Thanks,
> > Mark
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