Perhaps my brain is just fried-- the longer I code, the less sense
coding seems to make to me, so maybe I just need a break, but I'll
list my problem just in case I'm wrong.

Okay, so I have a setup where a user enters data into a bunch of
various textboxes, and there's a button labeled "Save" waiting for the
user at the end of it all. However, with the way the button is set

Button save = new Button("Save",
                new ClickListener() {
                  public void onClick(Widget sender) {


And then later,


it seems to me that I can't really put anything in the onClick()
method that will actually allow me to access all those various
textboxes I have elsewhere without making, like, EVERY textbox a
global variable, which is just nonsense.

SUMMARY: wut do i do guyz

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