Which Doctype are you using? Standard-mode or Qirks-mode? Try Standard-mode
in your HTML-file, if you havn't yet... (<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD
HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loose.dtd";>).

2008/11/21 Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hello Sumit
> I tried adding "position:absolute" in <iframe> but same result as
> before. Now waiting for your reply....
> Regards
> Ganesh Bansal
> On Nov 21, 9:11 am, Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello Sumit
> >
> > Thanks for your reply.
> >
> > I have already added this <iframe> tag in my host HTML page with a
> > difference that "position:absolute" is missing. I don't think it
> > should affect history working  but still I will try using this tag in
> > my <iframe> tag and update you shortly.
> >
> > I am explaining my problem once more if I was not able to do it
> > properly before.
> >
> > Problem: In IE6, although history is being maintained, but the node
> > which is being added in browser's history list (list which is shown
> > while pressing down button located along with back button), is showing
> > link/URL of the page instead of showing title of the window. While
> > it's working fine in Chrome & Mozilla. For resolving this, I need to
> > hack in HistoryIE6Impl class as given in previous post.
> >
> > Kindly let me know if I need to explain more. (In the mean time, I am
> > trying position tag and will update you accordingly.)
> >
> > Regards
> >
> > Ganesh Bansal
> >
> > On Nov 21, 3:41 am, Sumit Chandel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > Hi Ganesh,
> >
> > > I believe the problem you're experiencing is due to the fact that you
> forgot
> > > to include a required iframe on your host HTML page. Specifically, the
> > > History mechanism uses an <iframe> trick to correctly support history
> in
> > > IE6.
> >
> > > Try adding the following iframe in the body of your host HTML page:
> >
> > > <iframe src="javascript:''" id="__gwt_historyFrame"
> > > style="position:absolute;width:0;height:0;border:0"></iframe>
> >
> > > That should solve the problem without needing to hack the
> HistoryImplIE6
> > > class.
> >
> > > Hope that helps,
> > > -Sumit Chandel
> >
> > > On Tue, Nov 18, 2008 at 11:13 PM, Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> >
> > > > Hello Friends
> >
> > > > Can anyone confirm if I am doing right for managing history or is
> > > > there any other alternate for avoiding this patch ?
> >
> > > > Regards
> >
> > > > Ganesh Bansal
> >
> > > > On Nov 18, 9:29 am, Ganesh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > > I am using GWT 1.5 and want to manage history. Whenever I call
> > > > > History.newItem(token), Mozilla displays the window title in
> history
> > > > > list But Internet Explorer shows
> > > >http://localhost:8888/com.TestEntry/8DF40326B05334ADE3B6DCA8E9DD3DA2
> > > > > in the list i.e. URL of my page instead of showing window title.
> When
> > > > > I drilled, I noticed an issue in HistoryImplIE6's newItemImpl
> method.
> >
> > > > > It was written as below:
> > > > >   protected native void newItemImpl(Element historyFrame, String
> > > > > historyToken, boolean forceAdd) /*-{
> > > > >     historyToken = historyToken || "";
> > > > >     if (forceAdd || ($wnd.__gwt_historyToken != historyToken)) {
> > > > >       var doc = historyFrame.contentWindow.document;
> > > > >       doc.open();
> > > > >       doc.write('<html><body onload="if(parent.__gwt_onHistoryLoad)
> > > > > parent.__gwt_onHistoryLoad(__gwt_historyToken.innerText)"><div
> > > > > id="__gwt_historyToken">' + historyToken + '</div></body></html>');
> > > > >       doc.close();
> > > > >     }
> > > > >   }-*/;
> >
> > > > > It adds an IFrame without specifying title tag. If IFrame does not
> > > > > have title then it will display the complete URL in history list.
> For
> > > > > a solution, I applied a patch in this class where I took the window
> > > > > title and put it into head tag as below:
> > > > >   protected native void newItemImpl(Element historyFrame, String
> > > > > historyToken, boolean forceAdd) /*-{
> > > > >   historyToken = historyToken || "";
> > > > >     if (forceAdd || ($wnd.__gwt_historyToken != historyToken)) {
> > > > >       var doc = historyFrame.contentWindow.document;
> > > > >       doc.open();
> > > > >  var windowTitle = $wnd.document.title;
> > > > >       doc.write('<html><head><title>'+windowTitle+'</title></
> > > > > head><body onload="if(parent.__gwt_onHistoryLoad)
> > > > > parent.__gwt_onHistoryLoad(__gwt_historyToken.innerText)"><div
> > > > > id="__gwt_historyToken">' + historyToken + '</div></body></html>');
> > > > >       doc.close();
> > > > >     }
> > > > >   }-*/;
> > > > > and now IE is also showing window title in History list.
> >
> > > > > Now my question is: is it a bug of GWT ? And is there any other
> > > > > alternate for this so that I need not to make a patch in GWT's jar.
> >
> > > > > Any help or suggestion in this regard will be highly appreciated.
> >
> > > > > Regards
> >
> > > > > GaneshBansal
> >

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