oh...it seems GWT dosnt support the Head method only Post / Get :-/
(apperently Saffire dosnt support it)

On Nov 24, 2:40 pm, darkflame <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> fantastic :D Cheers :)
> On Nov 24, 2:32 pm, Lothar Kimmeringer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > darkflame schrieb:
> > > Is there a better method?
> > > If I used RequestBuilder I could treat it like any other file, but if
> > > the image is big (1MB), that will waste a hell of a lot of loading
> > > time. (and presumably wont be cached if loaded that way).
> > You can use RequestBuilder and use the HEAD-Method. This returns
> > just the HTTP-Response-header and no content. It is commonly used
> > for - you might guess it ;-) - checking the existance or change
> > of a resource before loading it.
> > Regards, Lothar
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