Ok... I need to think over it a little bit...

I'll let you know when I will find a satisfying solution!
Thank you,


On Nov 25, 7:52 am, Jason Morris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> GWT's methods of implementing the DOM objects and the XML objects are totally 
> different. The DOM
> implementation extends JavaScriptObject, whereas the XML objects encapsulate 
> their JavaScriptObject
> structures. I would advise using the method I suggested, since it'll take a 
> lot less of your time
> (and be technically a lot safer) than trying to do hackery with GWT's XML 
> package.
> String responseFromServer = ...;
> Element domElement = Document.get().createDivElement();
> domElement.setInnerHtml(responseFromServer);
> NodeList<Node> children = domElement.getChildNodes();
> If you need to work with sub-elements of the HTML / XML returned from the 
> server, I would suggest
> using RPC, or embedding the HTML inside CDATA sections of the returned XML 
> document.
> If you really feel the need to work with the HTML / XML by hand, you may need 
> to make a copy of the
> GWT xml / xml.impl packages and expose the underlying JavaScriptObjects that 
> make up the DOM
> structure (and even then: I'm not sure it'll work).
> Cristiano wrote:
> > Thank you,
> > And do you know if can find a solution which may works even if only
> > inside a specific browser?
> > On Firefox the underlaying DOM objects tyep are the same if you use an
> > XHTML page and correclty handle the namespaces in the XML of the HTTP
> > response.
> > I'm able to get what I want with javascript on FF, and by the way my
> > gwt solution only need to work on this browser: I need gwt for other
> > purpose than broswser portability.
> > My question may change the into: do you know how to convert elements
> > in "XML" package to elements in "DOM" package in Firefox by using GWT?
> > Thnak you again,
> > Cristiano
> > Jason Morris wrote:
> >> This is something you simply can't do cleanly across all the browsers. The 
> >> elements returned by the
> >> XMLParser are totally different classes to the HTMLParser. The way to do 
> >> this is to set the
> >> innerHTML on an HTML Element object to the value returned from the 
> >> RequestBuilder. Then you can use
> >> the normal Element.getChildNodes() to fetch the DOM objects that were 
> >> returned from the service.
> >> Cristiano wrote:
> >>> Hello Everyone,
> >>> How to 'cast' or 'transform' a "com.google.gwt.xml.client.Document" to
> >>> a "com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document" ???
> >>> I'm dealing with the requirement of handling DOM elements retrieved by
> >>> a server (as an HTTP "xml/text" response), parse them with XMLParser
> >>> and them into an existing document:
> >>> I handle the DOM of the current page with
> >>> com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document and com.google.gwt.user.client.DOM.
> >>> I handle the HTTP request with the RequestBuilder.
> >>> I parse them with com.google.gwt.xml.client.XMLParser.
> >>> However the "com.google.gwt.xml.client.XMLParser" do return a
> >>> "com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document", and I cannot add it to a
> >>> "com.google.gwt.dom.client.Document" because appendChild does not
> >>> accept as input a "com.google.gwt.xml.client.Element": it wants a
> >>> "com.google.gwt.doc.client.Element".
> >>> Can you help me in find the right direction resolve this (I'm using
> >>> eclipse)?
> >>> Thanks,
> >>> Cristiano
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