Hello guys,
 Currently I'm trying to use JSON  mashups in my application, but I'm 
falling on an issue with the binding and validation of the data objects. 
In another web project I was used simple POJO objects and the binding 
was implemented in this way:

public void setFirstName(String firstName) {
    String old = this.firstName;
    this.firstName = firstName;
    changes.firePropertyChange("firstName", old, firstName);

And here is the question, how can I do this with JavaScriptObjects when 
my method stubs are looking like:
 public final native String getName() /*-{ return this.name; }-*/;
 public final native void setName(String name) /*-{ this.name = name; }-*/;

Probably I have to use some JSNI magic :).

Does anyone have an idea how to do this ?. Or some better solution for 
binding and validation of such an objects.

Thanks in advance


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