Hi Miguel,

We have successfully integrated amcharts.com into our application. It
was very easy, I even think there are some examples posted in a
similar thread a while ago. We tried a couple of other methods
(jfreechart -> image), xmlswf, openflash, gwtchart but found amcharts
the best combination of interaction and look.


On Dec 5, 10:07 pm, Lonifasiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Before taking the final decision of using GWT for our new web
> application, I wanted to know which options I have in order to
> generate graphs and charts inside a GWT application.
> In fact, these charting cappabilities are the most important part of
> the application for our customer, thus, it's a requisite that GWT
> application lets us integrate and generate good graphs. Data for these
> graphs would be retrieved from a MySQL database, using servlets and
> GWT-RPC to bypass data from server to client.
> The more advanced the graphs are, the better, no matter if opensource
> or commercial. For us would be awesome to let users somehow interact
> with charts at client-side, you know, effects and actions Flash graphs
> already do for example.
> Any advice around charting possibilities under GWT will be greatly
> appreciated. Thanks very much in advance.
> --
> Miguel
> Blog:http://lonifasiko.blogspot.com
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