Thank's a lot, exactly what i need.
I just had to seek a little more

On 13 déc, 19:47, "" <>
> Take a look inside the mail application that is included with GWT.
> It's in /samples directory.  It's a great example of exactly what
> you're describing.
> It's also here:
> Later,
> Shaffer
> On Dec 13, 9:46 am, jbroquefere <>
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > my question is simple : How could I call an action when, for exemple,
> > i click on a TreeNode?
> > The situation is 2 class, a tree in the first one, an empty panel in
> > the second one. when i clik on a node, i want to open a Window, or
> > Panel, or Portlet, or, etc... in the empty panel (that is done by a
> > functio in the empty panel' class). but i dont know how to do. maybe
> > using event?
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