Not strange at all. There is no guarantee a server send its responses
in order of the requests. If a request is processed it gets responded.
Never rely on order. That's just another part of asynchronous.

On 16 dez, 13:20, "Pavel Byles" <> wrote:
> That's a strange one.I've never encountered that problem before.
> But it shouldn't matter what order your JSON objects are received.
> Have you tried some other tools like Firebug to see exactly what the data
> looks like when the client receives it?
> On Tue, Dec 16, 2008 at 9:23 AM, jake H <> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > In a application i m trying to make , i need in order to successfully
> > create it , to get some data from different Json requests.
> > for ex
> > Name, L_Name , address , tel
> > Accordingly i call , using a for loop ,  each time a json request with
> > different url. then i extract and save the data.
> > Now the problem that i face is  that  sometimes , dont know why , the
> > data is saved randomly.
> > I m sending first Name , L_name , add , tel
> > and may the response will be
> > L_name , tel , add , Name.
> > Algorithm implementation waits first to extract and save the data and
> > then it calls again the Json_request with the new url.
> > Anyone knows why something like that could happen??
> > To test the data i use Window.alert msgs as debug.
> > When i remove them i face another problem. It seems like the array
> > that holds the json data is null!! and nothing is printed. Whereas i
> > uncomment Window.alert msg , i can get the data but unordered.??
> > Any clue?
> > ty.
> --
> -Pav
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