I have an issue and I suspect others may have encountered (and solved)
this as well. It deals with change events and composite widgets. My
problem occurs when combining two tasks that individually do not
present a problem:

1.      Using change listeners (or blur listeners). All of the stock
form elements (input-text, input-checkbox, select and textarea)
generate change events. This is useful for field-level validation,
displaying field-level error messages and updating the "model" in an
MVC application.

2.      Creating new (composite) UI components by combining stock html
elements. For example, a date picker comprised of 3 html select
elements (month, year, day). Or a more sophisticated date picker
comprised of an input-text, an image button to the immediate right of
the text box (that, when clicked, shows the popup calendar) and a div
to display the popup calendar.

The problem is, change events and/or blur events don't really happen
at the "composite level".  They work at the individual form-element
level. Thus, for the date picker, where would be the logical place to
put field level change events? Because the 3 select elements represent
a single logical field.

Does this question make any since at all? If so, how have others
solved the problem?
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