Ah that's right, you need to change the HTML file and launchers as
well (I don't use launchers since we're using Maven). Nice guide Ian

Arthur Kalmenson

On Tue, Dec 23, 2008 at 9:57 AM, Ian Bambury <ianbamb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Fred,
> There's a quick explanation at the end of day 1 in the emails you can get on
> my site. So you don't have to bother signing up for it, I've pasted it in
> here. There might be a couple of course-specific references in there, but
> you'll get the idea.
> Ian
> http://examples.roughian.com
> 2008/12/22 Fred Janon <fja...@gmail.com>
>> Is it possible to create a new application from an existing one and what
>> are the steps required to rename it? I have a prototype app that I would
>> like to use to build my final app but I need to rename most of its
>> components.
>> Thanks
>> Fred
> ==========================================================================================
>                                             Copying A Project
> ==========================================================================================
> As I said before, creating a new project by using the creation tools
> supplied by Google is a right pain (not so bad in the recent version), and
> doesn't produce a very well-named project.
> What I tend to do, is simply to copy the project in Eclipse, and change a
> couple of names in a couple of files.
> It may look quite complicated written out as it is below, but you'll soon
> get the hang of it, and really all it comes down to is pressing F2 a couple
> of times to rename a couple of things and then updating a few references. If
> you want to try it with the creators that Google supplies, then give it a
> go, and see you back here when you get fed up.
> Copy The Project As Something Else
> With the actual project selected in the Project Explorer, press Control+C,
> Control+V.
> Change the name to whatever you want the new project to be called and click
> OK.  I'm assuming you called it NewApp for the purposes of the next few
> paragraphs, but substitute you own new name, of course.
> Change The References
> Open up the NewApp project and select the last file in that directory which
> is called AppMin.launch. Press F2 and rename it NewApp.launch. You can
> actually call this file anything you like, but it makes sense to call it the
> same as the project.
> Double-click the newly named file and find an occurrence of the string
> 'AppMin' (note the capitalisation). The easiest place to find it is at the
> end of the second to last line.
> Press Control+F to bring up the Find/Replace dialogue. The Find text box
> should be filled in for you, so fill in the Replace With text box with the
> new project name, and click Replace All. There should be four replaced
> occurrences.
> Change The Package Name
> You don't actually have to do this step if you are just playing around,
> although there is a slight possibility that if you don't do it, then when
> you try to run the project you'll get some previous project with the same
> package name, but I haven't come across this very often.
> Open up the /src/ directory in the new project and select the first entry
> ('com.roughian.appmin'). Press F2 to rename it. For the purposes of these
> instructions I'm assuming that you're going to change it to
> 'com.roughian.newapp'.
> In the Rename Package dialogue, and to the new name in the text box, and
> ensure that you have checked Update references, and Rename subpackages.
> Click OK.
> Update Package Name References
> There are three places where you have to update the package name manually.
> The rest have been done automatically by Eclipse.
> ·         In the index.htm file you have to modify the script tag.
> ·         In the Module.gwt.xml file you have to change the entry point tag.
> ·         In the .launch file you have to change the third-to-last line.
> And you are done.
> >

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