I used continuous pagination inside a scrollTable loading 10 rows at a

I used the client to keep a state of what rows it currently had and
simply requested more using rpc when approaching the bottom. I ahd
issues with getting the possition of the scrollbar as scrollPanel
didnt have a scroll Listener at the time, i dont know if it still
does. so i put the table in a scrollpanel and used the scroll listener
of that.

final product - very slick way to show 100's of rows of data.

If you have more than that then i surgest incorporating a search
feature or using standard pagination widgets from gwt-ext / ext-gwt

On Jan 2, 8:43 pm, gregor <greg.power...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Check:
> http://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit-incubator/wiki/PagingScro...
> use JDBC (or ORM equivelents) to get pages over GWT RPC - don't clog
> up HttpSession.
> regards
> gregor
> On Jan 2, 7:14 pm, falcon_whiz <sultan.yas...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi all,
> >  I am creating an application where I need to send an array of objects
> > from server to the client side using RPC. the problem is I want the
> > dataset to be broken into pages so that the user isn't overwhelmed
> > with data. Does GWT provide any good approach to solve this problem,
> > or should I use HTTPSession to maintain the large dataset.
> > Regards- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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