
I am a newbie with GWT so please bear with me. I would like to write
some code that fetches some HTTP file. I have read the tutorials but
they do not quite answer my question.

private void readFile(String url)
RequestBuilder builder = new RequestBuilder(RequestBuilder.GET,


Request request = builder.sendRequest(null, new RequestCallback()
        public void onError(Request request, Throwable exception)
                // Couldn't connect to server (could be timeout, SOP
violation, etc.)

        public void onResponseReceived(Request request, Response
                System.out.println("response received...");
                if (200 == response.getStatusCode())
                        // response.getStatusText()
catch (RequestException e)
        System.out.println("exception..." + e);
        // Couldn't connect to server

  public void PrintOut(String msg)

  public boolean isInputDataValid()
        PrintOut("Step 1");
        PrintOut("Step 2");
        return true;

OK, here's my code. It does something but not quite what I want. The
entry point is the function isInputDataValid(). My problem is that it
prints "Step 1", then "Step 2", then the content of the HTML page. I
guess the fetching is done in another thread. That is not what I want,
since I would like to return a specific boolean depending on the
content of my page.

I guess I could write the code inside the function PrintOut() but that
is not so good. I am planning to fetch several pages and I would have
to replicate the code several times. I could also use a mutex system,
but that I haven't been able to find. Or maybe there's a ready example
using another approach but I couldn't find it.

Please point me toward the right information. I hope I was clear.


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