Thanks for all your reply.

I'v find a perfect solution, here they are, hope this would help other

public class OrderedList extends ComplexPanel {
        public OrderedList() {

        public void add(Widget w) {
                super.add(w, getElement());

        public void insert(Widget w, int beforeIndex) {
                super.insert(w, getElement(), beforeIndex, true);


public class ListItem extends ComplexPanel implements HasText {
        public ListItem() {

        public void add(Widget w) {
                super.add(w, getElement());

        public void insert(Widget w, int beforeIndex) {
                super.insert(w, getElement(), beforeIndex, true);

        public String getText() {
                return DOM.getInnerText(getElement());

        public void setText(String text) {
                DOM.setInnerText(getElement(), (text == null) ? "" : text);


On 1月16日, 下午7时31分, luisfpg <> wrote:
> Create a class like this:
> public class ULPanel extends ComplexPanel {
>     private UListElement list;
>     public BulletPanel() {
>         list = Document.get().createULElement();
>         setElement(list);
>     }
>     @Override
>     public void add(Widget child) {
>         Element li = Document.get().createLIElement().cast();
>         list.appendChild(li);
>         super.add(child, li);
>     }
> }- 隐藏被引用文字 -
> - 显示引用的文字 -
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