Thank you.
  I have uploaded an image:1232202393156.jpg to directory:src..client/
public/images,and then in method onSubmitComplete(),I set POJO
object:model.setUrl("images/1232202393156.jpg"),and create an Images
object:new Image(model.getUrl()),add this image object to
RootPanel,but got this error:

[TRACE] Request 13: 
[TRACE] The development shell servlet received a request for 'images/
1232202393156.jpg' in module
[WARN] Resource not found: images/1232202393156.jpg; (could a file be
missing from the public path or a <servlet> tag misconfigured in
module com.tsolution.emc.ImageUploaderTest.gwt.xml ?)

then I copy this url:http://localhost:8888/
com.tsolution.emc.ImageUploaderTest/images/1232202393156.jpg,paste to
address bar,got HTTP 404 error,
and then I refresh(in host model) ,upload another image:2345.jpg,got
some erros as above,but the stange is:I still copy previous url:http://
1232202393156.jpg,it work now,that is,I can access previous uploaded
Can anybody tell me what problem is?

On Jan 17, 12:00 am, eggsy84 <> wrote:
> Use the GWT Image object in your client side code:
> img = new Image("images/
> myImage.jpg");
> or
> img.setUrl("images/myImage.jpg);
> As long as the image is within your public/images folder it should
> work just fine.
> Eggsy
> On Jan 16, 3:01 pm, Alex Luya <> wrote:
> > For testing,I uploaded an image into direcotry:src/../client/public/
> > images(servlet will do that),and  created an image object and call
> > setUrl() method to set url,so the question is how I can get and
> > specify this url(src/../client/public/images/)  in client side.thank
> > you.
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