Mike, thanks a lot. Your idea is clear.

2009/1/16 mikedshaf...@gmail.com <mikedshaf...@gmail.com>

> The simplest thing I can comment is:  that's about your only option.
> You've got various levels of security issues here, so I'm going to
> assume the simplest.  You need the web client to be trusted by the GWT
> "server" (the server end of the GWT-RPC).  Then you need the GWT
> server to be trusted by the application server.  In most of our
> applications, we do server to server trust using Kerberos, service
> tickets and a whole bunch of authentication that is way beyond
> anything I want to write here.  For GWT-RPC, we do a session id that
> contains the users Kerberos credentials ticket, which can be verified
> by a Spring inserted filter on our GWT RPC.  We have done cookies in a
> SQL database, but today we've got code that takes the credentials and
> sends them to a cookie on the browser.  That cookie is then visible to
> the server as it is included in the web request.  We don't use SSL to
> harden our pipes, but we could and might.  All of our users at this
> time are inside the firewall and we are therefore dealing with them
> via an LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory in our case).
> All of this sounds like mumbo jumbo no doubt.  To do "real" security
> like we're doing, we've had a couple of us working on this for a
> couple of years.  We've also done less secure security (oxymoronic
> perhaps) where we create a special session key and store it in SQL.
> We then send it down to the client where it is cookied.  Every request
> has the cookie and our server side then extracts the session and
> validates against the session table in SQL.  Then using the same
> session id, we can determine the users' credentials that we've also
> stuck in another table.  This has allowed us to do things like certain
> users can't insert records or whatever rule you employ.  But our
> security auditors haven't historically loved this and that's what
> prompted us to develop the Kerberos/service ticket solution.
> Now we are working with WS-Security to truly secure our SOA
> services...it never ends...
> Later,
> Shaffer
> On Jan 16, 3:58 am, "Mikhail M" <itmo....@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Need help!
> >
> > I have an architecture described below
> >
> > 1) Client application
> > 2) Server application
> >
> > Client and server applications hasn't dependencies and could be set on
> > different servers.
> > I have the same Object model using in both application.
> >
> > Client and server are using rpc to communicate.
> >
> > In server application I'm using Spring
> > (org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet)
> > In client application - GWT
> >
> > It works perfect but it isn't secure. So now I need to add auth to my
> client
> > application.
> > Users could have different roles, that's why they could call only allowed
> > remote procedures.
> > Of course it should be checked on server side.
> >
> > I need some mechanism for detection users on server side. I could't find
> any
> > suitable
> > solution for my application architecture. I think should be any
> transparent
> > mechanism for my
> > architecture.
> >
> > Do you have any ideas?
> >
> > My idea is to add to every rpc call any parameter - session identifier.
> This
> > identifier
> > set to any user if auth was correct. This session id stored in data base
> for
> > example and
> > cleared after some times if user was inactive.
> >

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