
I have found a work around but still do not understand why I had to do
this.  What I did was the following:

1.  I created a directory called bin

2.  I then compiled my server code using the following:

~/srs-2/src$ javac -cp $GWT_HOME/gwt-user.jar -d ../bin com/google/gwt/
sample/stockwatcher/client/StockPrice.java com/google/gwt/sample/
stockwatcher/client/StockPriceService.java com/google/gwt/sample/

3.  Stared shell

Now the application works.  So my final question is why did I have to
do this manually?  From what I have read it appears that this is what
other users are doing but that does not match what the Stock Watcher
Tutorial indicated.


On Jan 21, 3:39 pm, Arend van der Veen <arend.vanderv...@gmail.com>
> HI All,
> I am sure this is a very simple question but it has me stumped.   I am
> using GWT 1.5.3 on Ubuntu 8.04 LTS and Java 1.5.0_15.  I am not using
> Eclipse.
> I have been building he Stock Watcher demo and have everything working
> great up to but not including "Use Remote Procedure Calls".  After I
> added the remote procedure example, the Stock Watcher Demo started to
> fail.  It generated the following error message:
> [ERROR] Unable to instantiate
> 'com.google.gwt.sample.stockwatcher.server.StockPriceServiceImpl'
> java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:
> com.utrs.srs.server.StockPriceServiceImpl
>     ....
>     ....
> I looked around my development environment for a copy of this class
> and could only find the java source version of it.  It was never
> compiled.  I am currently researching how to compile this.  However, I
> am also concerned that there is something wrong with my development
> environment because the tutorial indicated that all I needed to do to
> test this was to restart hosted mode.  I would have expected it to get
> compiled automatically.  What piece in the puzzle am I missing?
> Thanks,
> Arend
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