I have an old project (been around since the early days of gwt) that's 
pretty large (the compiled javascript file is about 600KB).  I'm using GWT 
2.7 and at some point a while ago the old dev mode stopped working 
(basically the browser wouldn't load the plug-in) and so I've lived without 
it.  I didn't use it that much so I plodded and trudged through with 
development and eating the 90-180 second compile times for every change.

But now I finally have a breather and have time to look into super dev 
mode.  The write-up on it seems a bit old but I got it working without much 
trouble.  And it all seems to work fine using the bookmarklets and the code 
server.  However, my application is split up into (visual) sections and 
when trying to load one of the sections it simply doesn't work.  As in, you 
click the section tab for it to open and just nothing appears.  Turn dev 
mode off and everything is fine.

There's no indication of any kind of problem in the browser (chrome) nor 
from the code server (if that even makes sense).  It just doesn't work.  No 
indication of anything in either the "sources" nor "console" sections (or 
anywhere else) of the development tools.  

Is there anything else I can do?  It's only one section (of 6) that's 
having problems.  It is the most complicated section, but as I said turning 
off the dev mode everything is fine.

I'm just looking for some way to tell something to be more strict and alert 
me to problems.  Ideas?


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