Firstly, I am very much looking forward to the next generation j2cl
compiler for GWT and think the new compiler vision is great. That said, I
think the community would benefit greatly with the steering committee
placing a higher priority on closing out on the 2.8 release. I know that
the current 2.8 is considered usable for production but 2.8 isn't feature
complete and organizations can be very hesitant to use non-GA versions of
libraries. In particular it would be a big win to have a "done" version of
JsInterop v1 and clear guidance on using the current version of elemental.

I, and I'm sure the rest of the GWT community, would greatly appreciate a
clearer view on current release expectations and prioritization; is there
anything you guys can share on that front?

Again, really appreciate the recent work and love the plans for GWT 3.0.


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