
This is an old thread but I have similar SOP issue:

I have a host page in the root of the webapp: /index.html
I also have a web worker on public path which ends up in 

I'm starting the worker using 'new Worker(<absolute url to worker file>); 
which is based on GWT.getModuleBaseUrlForStaticFiles();

The problem is when running in SDM public path is hosted from CodeServer 
and not from DevMode server where host page is located:
http://localhost:9876/<module name>/worker/Name.worker.js

Is there any workaround for this except moving worker file from public path 
to webapp directory?


On Monday, March 4, 2013 at 11:22:45 AM UTC+1, Thomas Broyer wrote:
> On Monday, March 4, 2013 10:45:35 AM UTC+1, Harold wrote:
>> Hi Thomas,
>> Thanks for you answer.
>> Following your suggestion ( new Image(myImageResource) ), there is no 
>> more security error :)
>> All my textures are loaded but are almost empties. According to 
>> WebGLInspector all textures have size 1x1 with a transparent pixel.
>> It looks like that the HTMLImageElement obtained via image.getElement() 
>> is not properly filled now.
>> An idea about that ?
> The image then is probably a "clipped image" using a sprited image: the 
> image itself is a 1×1px transparent gif (clear.cache.gif, served from the 
> same origin as the app) and the image is set as its background, with 
> background-position and clip to only show the portion of the sprited image 
> that corresponds to the original image. That makes me think we should add a 
> isComplete() or isSprited() to ImageResource to "optimize" the way we 
> create Image widgets out of ImageResources (which I happen to have already 
> proposed in issue 7403 
> <https://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?id=7403>).
> Anyway, that explains why the security error has vanished.
> So in the mean time, revert to "new Image(myImageResource.getSafeUri())" 
> (no need to use asString(), there's an overload taking a SafeUri argument), 
> but then I bet you'll have the security error back…

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