On Tuesday, October 27, 2015 at 9:12:25 AM UTC+1, P.G.Taboada wrote:
> Hi there,
> gwt-dev ist getting more and more a problem. 
> It is packaging a lot of things and putting all of it into development 
> classpath: commons-logging, old servlet api, etc.
> I have read a few statements here and there, but I am afraid 2.8 will come 
> and we still will have lots of outdated stuff stuck in there.
> I understand that GWT dev needs all of it - but why don't do a repackage 
> or have those as external dependencies? 
> Other libs often offer a "-nodeps" jar.

At the risk of repeating myself:

   - this is a known "issue", but we've been floating the idea of replacing 
   the build system for years hoping that it would help us solve it, and we 
   still haven't done anything yet. Feel free to send in patches though.
   - this is actually a non-issue, because there's little to no reason 
   you'd actually have a conflict. Most cases of classpath conflicts are 
   people putting server-side dependencies in GWT's classpath. There's no 
   reason to do this. You should use separate client and server classpaths; if 
   your tooling (IDE or build tool) comes in the way, then blame that tool and 
   find proper ways to separate the classpaths. I'm not saying GWT couldn't do 
   better (it could, and it should), but it's not really an issue if you 
   follow some rules; this is why it's really low priority (from my PoV at 
   - this is mostly legacy, before GWT was "Maven-friendly" (or more 
   generally "managed dependencies friendly", vs. only providing the SDK as a 
   zip file). The advantage of bundling dependencies (and why it was 
   originally done) was that you only had to add a couple JARs to your 
   classpath (and generally, compile against gwt-user only, and add gwt-dev 
   only to run tests, devmode, or the compiler). With all externalized 
   dependencies, there'd have been rules like “add jetty and all its 
   dependencies for devmode and running tests” (it was actually Tomcat at the 
   time; and it now also applies to SuperDevMode), "add HtmlUnit and all its 
   dependencies for running tests" (and remember that in GWT 1.x there was 
   actually no HtmlUnit, GWT relied on JNI and a native library to use a 
   "real" browser, so you had to have the native library at the appropriate 
   place, and that was used for GWTShell and then HostedMode as well –the 
   tools that preceded DevMode). Back in GWT 1.x, the rules would then have 
   rather been "add all those dependencies for GWTShell/HostedMode or running 
   tests", and you could only use a stripped-down classpath for the compiler – 
   there's actually a target in the Ant build to package a "compiler only" 
   So yes GWT 2.8 will come with the same "shape" as GWT 2.7; and j2cl (GWT 
   3) will work differently (won't load "user code" from the classpath 
   anymore) and be hopefully better packaged from the start.
   - some of those "outdated stuff" are transitive dependencies that can't 
   be updated (IIRC, the only blocker was actually HtmlUnit, and it now has a 
   newer version so we could possibly update), others are just there for ages. 
   In any case, updating those dependencies requires a deep understanding of 
   the dependency graph, which no one current has. Feel free to send in 
   patches (there's one already for HtmlUnit and Jetty IIRC). Repackaging 
   might be possible for some dependencies (feel free to send in patches), 
   externalizing might be possible for others (but not all, and not all our 
   dependencies are available "externally" for dependency managers; we'd 
   likely have to add version constraints so externalizing the dependency 
   wouldn't help much except to make it possible to exclude it altogether).

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