I have a FormPanel that submits 1 (or more) files to an upload servlet. I 
have confirmed that the servlet is sending the expected message in the 
response both on my local environment and on the deployed server. However, 
when I look at those results on the deployed server, my logic is displaying 
the error message instead of a success. Any help would be greatly 
appreciated here.

So here is the important servlet code (commented):

classLogger.info(String.format("%s:Drawings submitted successfully for 
quote - %s", AppController.DRAWING_SUCCESS_MSG, submission.getQuoteNumber
//I see this message in my server log files
 response.getWriter().format("%s:Drawings submitted successfully for quote 
- %s", AppController.DRAWING_SUCCESS_MSG, submission.getQuoteNumber());
//I see this message when I inspect the response using firebug (see 
screenshot below)
 } catch (Exception e) {
 classLogger.error(String.format("Failed to submit drawings for quote - %s", 
 response.getWriter().format("%s:Failed to submit drawings for quote - %s", 
"fail", submission.getQuoteNumber());
 } finally {
 for (FileItem item : submission.getDrawingFiles()) {
 if (item != null && false == item.isFormField()) {
 } else {
 throw new ServletException("Invalid Request Received!");

When I inspect the response from the deployed server, I see the expected 


When I process the response message from the deployed server, it does not 
appear see "success" as the first part of the string. It does when I run 
the code locally but it does not when I run the code from the deployed 
server. This is the code that parses/handles the response (pertinent line 
has been highlighted and commented).

view.getPnlForm().addSubmitCompleteHandler(new FormPanel.
SubmitCompleteHandler() {

 @Override public void onSubmitComplete(SubmitCompleteEvent event) {

//Note that I am using the same constant to refer to the "success" string 
from my appcontroller object
//When I watch 
"event.getResults().startsWith(AppController.DRAWING_SUCCESS_MSG" locally, 
I see it evaluates as true and shows the proper "ERROR" message constant
//However the remote server fails this check and displays the fail message

 AppController.getEventBus().fireEvent(new DisplayQuoteViewEvent(quoteDTO.

 DialogBox db = (DialogBox) view.getParent().getParent();




Does anyone have ANY ideas as to why I would be getting the same, expected 
response from both environments but one environment is behaving 
differently? I cannot figure this out. Please help! 

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