
I am experiencing a very strange issue with reading value from an object 
retrieved through RPC (the object has default constructor, implements 
Serializable, and has only Double, Boolean, List<Double> and some 
enum-types fields inside - so all serializable).
I read the object on the client side and keep getting null or undefined 
value when I use getter on one of its fields - a Double, however, when I 
try to log the whole object, the field is displayed as a correct double 
This is a fragment of my code:
this.sshParams = (BasicSSHParameters) retrievedObjectData;
log.info("Params {}, lamb: {}, b: {}, mmin: {}", sshParams, sshParams.
getLamb(), sshParams.getB(), sshParams.getMmin());
(we have a wrapper to add slf4j logging style to 

And what I get in the browser console is:
INFO: Params BasicSSHParameters([..], lamb=4.6872906724508825, [...], b=
0.8669989980064977, mmin=0.6, [...]), lamb: undefined, b: undefined, mmin: 
So it seems the same variable is correctly read within the toString() 
method, and incorrectly read using the getter. And, magically, another 
variable (mmin) is correctly read using both. I thought it might be issues 
of double precision, but when I changed lamb to be 4.687, it didn't change 
the behaviour. The name 'lamb' also shouldn't be any problem as the same 
happens with 'b'.

All the fields in BasicSSHParameters are final but we use the <set-property 
name="rpc.XserializeFinalFields" value="true" /> in our gwt.xml

To make the debugging worse, the problem doesn't happen always. On my local 
server instance it happens sometimes, and sometimes not (getLamb() then 
returns a proper double value), but for our team's development server it 
happens all the time.
We use GWT 2.8.0 (beta).

Has any of you ever experienced a similar problem? Or have any idea what 
might be happening?

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