This is a GWTP question, asking here as no answer on the GWTP 

I have a Presenter (with Proxy), and I display multiple child presenters 
(with ProxyPlace) inside the parent presenter.

Parent Presenter:

public interface MyProxy
        extends Proxy<ParentPresenter> {

Child Presenters:

@NameToken (NameTokens.CHILD)
public interface MyProxy
        extends ProxyPlace<ChildPresenter> {

The parent presenter gets the common data and display it in the top main 
menu. So far so good.
When the parent presenter gets the data, it uses the event bus to generate 
an event. The child presenters implements the handler to listen to the 

The issue is that I want the parent presenter to load the new common data, 
only on the place change i.e. when the URL parameter changes.
Since the Proxy presenters don't implement prepareFromRequest, I cant do 
that in Parent Presenter.

I can work around with that, by loading common data in either onReset() or 
by implementing a NavigationEvent in the parent presenter.
However in that case, the data would be loaded unnecessarily, even when not 

For e.g.
if the URL parameter is product=1, the child presenters look like:

I want the Parent Presenter to only request the new data, if the actual URL 
parameter changes.
That is: 
Load new data if URL changes from:
#child1;product=1 TO #child1;product=2


#child1;product=1 TO #child2;product=2

NOT when it changes from:
#child1;product=1 TO #child2;product=1

What I can do is check in the Parent Presenter, if the current history 
parameter is same or different than the previous one, and then load new 
But is there a better way to do this. I want to call my data service only 
when needed.


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