The incubator is much less stable than the main GWT widget library.
Widgets in the incubator are still evolving and the API is subject to
change. The incubator is not recommended for production use. Widgets
that graduate to the main library are considered production ready (see
DatePicker for an example of a graduate in the upcoming GWT 1.6).

I've found significant time savings in using widgets from the
incubator in my own work. I've also had to refactor when something in
the incubator changes and I want to upgrade. Whenever possible I try
to wrap an incubator widget in a widget of my own to reduce direct
coupling of unstable incubator API to my application code.

There is the intention to implement some means of informing developers
of the relative stability of incubator widgets, but this is still a
work in progress.

On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 12:24 PM, getaceres <> wrote:
> Thanks, I didn't know about the Incubator widgets. It seems very
> complete and interesting but I have a question about it:
> What's the state of stability and feature completeness of the widgets
> in Incubator? I mean, are they ready to be used in real applications?
> On Feb 4, 3:58 pm, Arthur Kalmenson <> wrote:
>> Hi getaceres,
>> If you're looking for a sortable grid, check out the ScrollTable in
>> the gwt-incubator: If 
>> you're
>> loading a lot of data into the ScrollTable, you might want to use the
>> BulkTableRenderer:
>> --
>> Arthur Kalmenson
>> On Wed, Feb 4, 2009 at 4:51 AM, getaceres <> wrote:
>> > It's not only about the look, it's about the lack of a decent default
>> > widget set in GWT.
>> > We are starting a project now and in the very first phase we know that
>> > we need a sortable grid that could be very large, so what must we do?
>> > Must we implement a data model and a paging table or a big grid with
>> > caching or must we use one of Ext-GWT, IT Mill, or SmartGWT? Should I
>> > reinvent the wheel when there are three different toolkits with the
>> > widgets that I need?
>> > On Feb 4, 9:57 am, "Miles T." <> wrote:
>> >> Just a word about documentation. It is true that the documentation is
>> >> far from complete but it is not true that it is non-existent.
>> >> The wiki is in work in progress 
>> >> :
>> >> and there is also a small help center
>> >> On 31 jan, 05:42, DaBlick <> wrote:
>> >> > We used GWT-Ext and tossed it in favor of Ext-GWT (often referred to
>> >> > as GXT).
>> >> > I've said this before in this forum so I'll just be brief here as you
>> >> > can search the forum for more details.
>> >> > - It's been said MANY times so you know it's true:  It wouldn't be
>> >> > accurate to say the documentation is poor.  It'd be more accurate to
>> >> > say that the documentation is NON-EXISTENT and this is a SERIOUS
>> >> > SERIOUS issue you must consider before choosing it.   You are,
>> >> > apparently, expected to learn the library by reverse-engineering the
>> >> > examples.   This means your project will have a potentially steep ramp-
>> >> > up time.
>> >> > - It's easy to find bugs in Ext-GWT because it's basically been a one-
>> >> > man project for most of its life. However...
>> >> > - Reported bugs tend to get fixed VERY quickly and if you are
>> >> > licensed, you can pick up the fix from the SVN as soon as they are
>> >> > fixed.
>> >> > - Ext-GWT has what I consider to be a rather nice MVC architecture
>> >> > built into it.   It really goes well beyond, say, Swing's MVC because
>> >> > it not only de-couples Ms, Vcs and Cs, but decouples data-models, data
>> >> > "loaders", etc.   The MVC architecture has some problems with its
>> >> > generic implementation, but it's pretty good overall.
>> >> > - We think the components look nice, but then... we pretty much have
>> >> > customized everything.   Our app is highly stylized.
> >

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