the bug here has been for long time already, 
sometimes SDM woks, sometimes not and yo have to rebuild with temp-clean
this is not C++ compiler

суббота, 17 декабря 2016 г., 4:24:31 UTC+3 пользователь Nándor Előd Fekete 
> Well, yes, of course, I can always start from scratch, but that's around 
> 3+ minutes (it's a bigger project), which is worse than what I currently 
> do, "touching" the Java source file that the compiler is having problem 
> generating correct code for. The biggest problem is that it's breaking my 
> workflow, and I'd rather spend some time finding a probable bug in the 
> compiler itself and give back to the community by fixing it than constantly 
> working around the issue.
> On Saturday, December 17, 2016 at 2:11:09 AM UTC+1, Kirill Prazdnikov 
> wrote:
>> mvn clean and clean temp folder before compile will help
>>  суббота, 17 декабря 2016 г., 0:49:30 UTC+3 пользователь Nándor Előd 
>> Fekete написал:
>>> Hi!
>>> I have this strange problem in SDM, where a method in the generated 
>>> output JS gets defined under a name, but gets referenced under another name.
>>> I'll try to show it through actual compiled JS code vs original code.
>>> function *getBoundingClientRect_3_g$*(this$static_0_g$, 
>>> withinOffsetParent_0_g$){
>>>   $clinit_ElementOverlayMixin_0_g$();
>>>   var deltaX_0_g$, deltaY_0_g$, offsetParent_0_g$, parentBCR_0_g$;
>>>   offsetParent_0_g$ = $getOffsetParent_0_g$(this$static_0_g$);
>>>   if (is_4_g$(offsetParent_0_g$)) {
>>>     parentBCR_0_g$ = 
>>> *$getBoundingClientRect_2_g$*(as_58_g$(offsetParent_0_g$), 
>>> true);
>>>     deltaY_0_g$ = $getScrollTop_0_g$(offsetParent_0_g$) - 
>>> parentBCR_0_g$.getTop_15_g$();
>>>     deltaX_0_g$ = $getScrollLeft_0_g$(offsetParent_0_g$) - 
>>> parentBCR_0_g$.getLeft_16_g$();
>>>   }
>>>    else {
>>>     deltaY_0_g$ = getScrollTop_4_g$();
>>>     deltaX_0_g$ = getScrollLeft_6_g$();
>>>   }
>>>   return 
>>> withinOffsetParent_0_g$?$getBoundingClientRect_1_g$(this$static_0_g$).translated_1_g$(deltaX_0_g$,
>>> deltaY_0_g$):$getBoundingClientRect_1_g$(this$static_0_g$);
>>> }
>>> getBoundingClientRect_3_g$.displayName = 
>>> 'ElementOverlayMixin.$getBoundingClientRect';
>>> This is the original Java source of the method:
>>> public final ClientRect *getBoundingClientRect*(boolean 
>>> withinOffsetParent) {
>>> float deltaY;
>>> float deltaX;
>>> Element offsetParent = getOffsetParent();
>>> if ( {
>>> ClientRect parentBCR =
>>> *getBoundingClientRect*(true);
>>> deltaY = offsetParent.getScrollTop() - parentBCR.getTop();
>>> deltaX = offsetParent.getScrollLeft() - parentBCR.getLeft();
>>> } else {
>>> deltaY = Window.getScrollTop();
>>> deltaX = Window.getScrollLeft();
>>> }
>>> return withinOffsetParent ? getBoundingClientRect().translated(deltaX, 
>>> deltaY) : getBoundingClientRect();
>>> }
>>> I've highlighted the important parts with bold+red/green. Note that it's 
>>> a recursive method invoking itself on another object. In the generated 
>>> output, the name of the function in the function declaration and the name 
>>> used while referring to the same function is different.
>>> After a "touch" on the source code file, the compiler now generates the 
>>> correct JS output:
>>> function *$getBoundingClientRect_2_g$*(this$static_0_g$, 
>>> withinOffsetParent_0_g$){
>>>   $clinit_ElementOverlayMixin_0_g$();
>>>   var deltaX_0_g$, deltaY_0_g$, offsetParent_0_g$, parentBCR_0_g$;
>>>   offsetParent_0_g$ = $getOffsetParent_0_g$(this$static_0_g$);
>>>   if (is_4_g$(offsetParent_0_g$)) {
>>>     parentBCR_0_g$ = 
>>> *$getBoundingClientRect_2_g$*(as_58_g$(offsetParent_0_g$), 
>>> true);
>>>     deltaY_0_g$ = $getScrollTop_0_g$(offsetParent_0_g$) - 
>>> parentBCR_0_g$.getTop_15_g$();
>>>     deltaX_0_g$ = $getScrollLeft_0_g$(offsetParent_0_g$) - 
>>> parentBCR_0_g$.getLeft_16_g$();
>>>   }
>>>    else {
>>>     deltaY_0_g$ = getScrollTop_4_g$();
>>>     deltaX_0_g$ = getScrollLeft_6_g$();
>>>   }
>>>   return 
>>> withinOffsetParent_0_g$?$getBoundingClientRect_1_g$(this$static_0_g$).translated_1_g$(deltaX_0_g$,
>>> deltaY_0_g$):$getBoundingClientRect_1_g$(this$static_0_g$);
>>> }
>>> $getBoundingClientRect_2_g$.displayName = 
>>> 'ElementOverlayMixin.$getBoundingClientRect';
>>> I'm using incremental mode, but I think it happened on the first 
>>> compilation too with all previous compilation caches cleared.
>>> Do you guys have any tips on where to look in the compiler code where 
>>> the method name handling / mangling happens?
>>> Many thanks!
>>> Nandi.

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