Parsing the following JSON input and sending the resulting object to the 
console yields the expected results for a JSNI JSON.parse() but yields 
incorrect timestamps using a JsInterop JSON.parse() (with correct results 
for all other properties).  I'm completely at a loss as to why.  Any 



JSNI JSON parser:

native static Object parse( String json ) /*-{ return $wnd.JSON.parse( json 
); }-*/;

JsInterop JSON parser:

@JsType( isNative = true, namespace = GLOBAL, name = "JSON" )
abstract public class JSON {
   native static public <T> T parse( String json );

@JsType( isNative = true, namespace = JsPackage.GLOBAL, name = "Object" )
public class Message {
   public int callback; // HARD-CODED in conjunction with Service::CALLBACK

// json from WebSocket parse( json ) );
Message message = JSON.parse( json );
Window.console.debug( message );

   1. Object
         1. Contract:"STK:USD:PBA@NYSE"
         2. action:"onHistoricalData"
         3. bar:"D"
         4. bars:Array[3]
            1. 0:Object
               1. close:21.76
               2. high:21.84
               3. low:21.38
               4. open:21.41
               5. time:1451520000
               6. volume:3067
               7. __proto__:Object
            2. 1:Object
               1. close:21.56
               2. high:21.63
               3. low:21.14
               4. open:21.37
               5. time:1451865600
               6. volume:2565
               7. __proto__:Object
            3. 2:Object
               1. close:21.49
               2. high:21.57
               3. low:21.26
               4. open:21.5
               5. time:1451952000
               6. volume:2303
               7. __proto__:Object
            4. length:3
            5. __proto__:Array[0]
         5. callback:4
         6. metadata:Object
            1. noData:false
            2. __proto__:Object
         7. t:1482867635
         8. t0:1451763575
         9. ticker:"STK:USD:PBA@NYSE"
         10. __proto__:Object


      1. Object
         1. Contract:"STK:USD:PBA@NYSE"
         2. action:"onHistoricalData"
         3. bar:"D"
         4. bars:Array[3]
            1. 0:Object
               1. close:21.76
               2. high:21.84
               3. low:21.38
               4. open:21.41
               5. time:1607400000
               6. volume:3067
               7. __proto__:Object
            2. 1:Object
               1. close:21.56
               2. high:21.63
               3. low:21.14
               4. open:21.37
               5. time:1607400000
               6. volume:2565
               7. __proto__:Object
            3. 2:Object
               1. close:21.49
               2. high:21.57
               3. low:21.26
               4. open:21.5
               5. time:1607400000
               6. volume:2303
               7. __proto__:Object
            4. length:3
            5. __proto__:Array[0]
         5. callback:4
         6. metadata:Object
            1. noData:false
            2. __proto__:Object
         7. t:1482867635
         8. t0:1451763575
         9. ticker:"STK:USD:PBA@NYSE"
         10. __proto__:Object

I tested the code in Chrome, Edge, and Safari and each yielded the same 
results.  Any suggestion as to where things are going awry will be greatly 


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