Hello Ignacio,

thanks for your help. I see that I'll have to give tbroyer's approach 
another try. 
However, something seems to have change since the last time I did.

I used to create a tbroyer project (modular web app) like this:

 mvn archetype:generate \
   -DarchetypeGroupId=net.ltgt.gwt.archetypes \
   -DarchetypeArtifactId=modular-webapp \

Now the current/new documentations says:

Basic usage
Add the plugin to your POM, enabling extensions to get the new packagings, 
and configuring your module name:

So the documentation assumes that there already is some maven project.
How do you create a new maven project for a tbroyer style web app?

Nevertheless, the video you posted agains hows that there are 4 top-level 
projects shown in eclpse.
I would be glad if you could fix this...


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