You have 2 possibilities (that I haven't explored personally, so I couldn't 
comment on the pros on cons)

   - use a single entry-point (single module), and use code splitting 
   (GWT.runAsync) to only load what's needed (and probably a bit more that'd 
   happen to be shared with other pieces of code; in so-called "leftover" 
   chunks); shared code between "pages" will then really be shared (at the 
   HTTP/caching level)
   - use one entry-point (one module) per "page"; code shared between 
   several modules will be included (duplicated) in each generate script 
   though, with absolutely no sharing. And yes you can have as many as you 
   like. I'm not aware of any limitation in the GWT Eclipse Plugin, and even 
   if there was, I'd highly recommend using a build tool (Gradle, Maven, Ant, 
   or even Make if you like) that will *not* have any limitation (or at least 
   whose limitations could be worked-around). Actually, the thing you'll have 
   to balance will be between running the GWT compiler once with all the 
   modules in argument vs. once per module, I'd say *a priori* a balance 
   between memory and time.

Unfortunately, GWT 2.x cannot have the best of both worlds (one "entry 
point script" per page, with code-sharing between modules) like, say, 
Webpack can do.
, Webpack entry-points and 
CommonsChunkPlugin )

On Thursday, May 4, 2017 at 1:23:31 PM UTC+2, NxS wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm a GWT newbie.
> 1. Is it possible to load only a subset of a module's shared code in an 
> html page, declaratively or otherwise? 
> Use-case: I may have a lot of shared code in my overall application, not 
> all of which may be relevant to every single html page (of my overall 
> application). So, I'd like to be able to load only select portions of the 
> shared code in a given html page, ignoring portions of it not used by the 
> page.
> 2. If the above is not possible, then... Is it possible to have multiple 
> modules in a single Eclipse project, using either the Eclipse IDE or the 
> webAppCreator command-line tool? 
> The idea is this: 
> IF I have a total of 10000 methods in my overall application's shared 
> code, 
>     AND 
> IF I have 100 pages each requiring 100 methods only (on average),
> THEN, I wouldn't want to create 100 different Eclipse projects for these 
> 100 modules (consisting of 100 functions each) when a single Eclipse 
> project could well do the job.
> Thanks and regards,
> NxS
> PS: When I say "load" above, I mean loading of the code by the browser, 
> generating a proportional amount of network traffic.

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