I just wrote the FAQ item yesterday, so I haven't a chance to explore
a lot of different options.

If you want to go the absolute path way, you could also use an
external script that does some text processing (perl, python, sed) to
substitute variables into your css from before deploying it.

Another way to solve this is to use the Stylesheet Injector (currently
in the incubator) and processing the stylesheet text and doing some
substitution with _IG_GetCachedUrl().

I would appreciate feedback on these or other options for making
stylesheets work better with gadgets.  This is a place where GWT could
add a lot of value.

On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 1:51 AM, chip <ginga.gadg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> ;)
> In the FAQ it explains how GWT references a CSS file with relative
> image paths.
> When the GWT app in question is a gadget it is hosted through a proxy
> by the gadget container and all the relative image paths break.
> There are two issues here.
> 1) It would be nice if there was a way to indicate where the final
> home of the images would be so that the GWT compiler could build
> absolute paths
> 2) It would be even better if the reference to the images were wrapped
> in calls to _IG_GetCachedUrl() - I'm not sure if this is possible with
> an external CSS file, but I know it can be done when the CSS is
> inline.
> Any info on if these issues are being addressed?
> Any thoughts on solutions/hacks in the meantime?
> I guess worst case I can just inline the CSS manually - but hey, I'm
> lazy :)
> thanks for the help/info!
> >

Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USA

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