I figured it out. The entry point class extended another class that 
implemented EntryPoint, but did not explicitly say that it implemented 
EntryPoint. This works fine in 2.6 but not in 2.8.

On Sunday, October 1, 2017 at 9:16:55 PM UTC-7, John Malpas wrote:
> I have a fairy complex web application (What Grows Here) with maps etc 
> that has been out for few years.
> I have been compiling it in GWT 2.6. It compiles and runs just fine in 2.6.
> This week I have been trying to move a bunch of GWT apps to 2.8.
> This one application compiles quietly in 2.8, but the sizes of all of the 
> output files are much smaller than the output files produced by 2.6.
> When I try to run it, nothing happens. I have deliberately simplified 
> onModuleLoad() so that all that happens is an alert with a message,
> but it will not even do that.
> Something is going wrong in the compile. I have compiled it with -logLevel 
> TRACE, and compared the TRACE log with the TRACE produced by a 2.6 compile.
> The two TRACE logs are very similar, until the very end, when it starts 
> saying things like
>     Adding '16' generated units
> In the 2.8 log, the counts of generated units are lower than in the 2.6 
> log, and the sizes of the 2.8 output files are
> much smaller than the sizes of the 2.6 files.
> Has anyone else encountered this behavior? What should I be looking for in 
> the TRACE log for a clue
> as to why the compile succeeds, but produces nonsense output?
> Thank you.

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