Hi Gregor,
    I some how managed GWT component as replacement of my presentation
currenlty my application will be displaying like tree structure as
menu in the left hand and selecting each link its content is diplayed
in right side in grid with rows and columns. This kind of requirement
suits most of the places.

   In partcular link, the grid in right hand side would be dipslayed
     a)Acct no       Accont Name
         1000            ABC ( 2 tests)
                              Test1 (2 rule)
                             Test2( 2 rules)

        2000            XYZ ( 1 tests)
                              Test1 (5 rules)

Here first only acct no and name woold be displayed , test belongs to
an account would be expaned if user uses kind of arrow on acct name.
then rules belongs to each test expaned on request basis as selecting
the arrow.

Would you please assist me how I can achive this behavior in Grid? or
send me some usefule links if you have.?

Thanks a Lot

On Jan 2, 7:35 pm, gregor <greg.power...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> > Here in the existing application it is easy for getting session values
> > (JSP) and assigned as part of query string.
> > Would you please tell me how the same can be acheived in GWT client
> > code(JAVA)?
> > How I can get those session values so that I can assign in Window.open
> > method?.
> Well your existing JSPs are running server side as servlets whereas
> your GWT code is running as javascript client side, so whereas your
> JSPs have automatic access to httpsession your GWT client code
> obviously does not. I think you might have to make a preparatory RPC
> call to get the necessary parameters from the user's session before
> you construct the URL.
> > Thanks
> > Arul- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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