I'm a huge fan of GWT, but I'm also a big fan of development
methodologies, like Inversion of Control and Aspect-Oriented

IoC and AOP are two concepts I've struggled to work into the GWT
framework since day one, with AOP being a bit more difficult to
achieve than IoC, in my opinion.

I recently came across the Dojo Toolkit, which includes, among other
things, a facility for advising your code, AOP style:

After digging into it, it appears to take advantage of the dynamic
nature of the JavaScript language, swapping out implementations of
advised methods at run time with wrapper functions.

All-in-all, I think this is a rather brilliant approach, and it's
something I'd love to see supported in GWT. The only problem I see is
how to go about crossing that dynamic bridge that, at first glance,
appears to be the kind of thing Java and GWT might not work well with.

Of course, deferring to native code implementation is an option, but
that seems to defeat the purpose of the compiler's advantages. Any
suggestions on this?
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