>  The GWT team is happy to announce the availability of 1.6 Milestone 1!
>  Binary distributions are available for download directly from GWT's Google
>  Code project.

>  Happy coding,
>  Scott, on behalf of the GWT team


Thanks for the tremendous efforts from GWT team and supporting
communities. Here are some preliminary exploration and wish list of the
coming doc:

1) Using the webAppCreator (ant 1.7.0, jdk 1.6) i create an application,
run the hosted mode, then the build to compile the app. In the app war
directory, i see the hosted.html and app.nocache.js, but Not the .css
and .html file as listed in the compiler output of the StockWatcher 1.6

2) The current gwt-incubator_1-5_Dec_28.jar is not compatible with
GWT-1.6.0. Hope the new compatible version will be out soon. I am still
working through the examples to understand the new war structure,
especially the project that uses different modular GWT modules and the
location of public files for different modules. Some documentation and
suggested best practices may be required.

3) With new GWT Event Handler, the stockwatcher example shows a
container class to use a single handler method for event (ClickHandler)
coming from different event publishers (but1 and but2). GWT team may
share its experience and approach for all GWT event types in 1 container
class, especially the way to integrate GWT event handler with OpenAjax
Hub, leveraging GWT JSO and coming UIBinder ;-)

4) In the doc Articles and Tutorials, i see GWT for JSON Mashups and
Application of Facebook. It may be a good idea to centralize in 1 place
possible GWT applications and how-to to leverage Google API and
facilities: Gears, AppEngine, google-ajax-examples, etc.


Duong BaTien
DBGROUPS and BudhNet

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