
Will try to follow some ideas from
and "GWT in Action" to share objects across an iframe. Maybe anyone
has already tried this with frames and could share experience?

One more thing regarding interframe communication. I feel a somewhat
confused about EntryPoints. Is a single EntryPoint essentially meant
to correspond to a distinct webpage? If so, than I would need a
separate EntryPoint class for every html page needing GWT support...
what would be a proper way than to have an iframe that holds an active
cache and does not get reloaded when user clicks a link.

My initial approach would have been to have an EntryPoint with logic
for the active cache defining an iframe to host other pages (that
would do actual presentation and utilize data from the active cache).
Could you please suggest if that would be a correct approach? What
would be the way than to specify a webpages that they should be
enbedded in a iframe element of the existing page?


I feel somewhat confused about architecture

On 5 Feb., 23:29, asdf_asdf <denis.ergashb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Damien,
> No, unfortunately plugins are not an acceptable solutions. I feel
> nevertheless that there should be a way to communicate between frames.
> Preferably without JSNI?
> On 5 Feb., 18:48, Damien Picard <picard.dam...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you can accept browser's plugins in your project, take a look at Google
> > Gears. With this, you can take a better control of locally stored data and
> > much more ...
> >http://gears.google.com/
> > 2009/2/5 asdf_asdf <denis.ergashb...@gmail.com>
> > > His,
> > > Read some posts in the group and still wondering if implementing such
> > > a scenario would be possible with GWT:
> > > A web page is served which contains two frames - one for presenting
> > > the stuff and the other one to constantly make requests to the server
> > > (a timer) and maintain latest of data (lots of objects, so only the
> > > new data is added / removed and not everything at once).
> > > Is there a way for one frame to get a reference to the other where the
> > > current data resides? The obvious benefit would be that when user
> > > clicks a link and goes to a different page the data is still in the
> > > other frame and there is no need to load everything over again. Has
> > > someone maybe already done that or experienced a similar challenge?
> > > That's my view on the problem. But maybe there can be another way to
> > > retain pieces of working logic and current data without frames when a
> > > user jumps to physically distinct html page.
> > > Many thanks,
> > > Denis
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