I'm having a problem with Date objects in GWT 2.8.2. 
As part of a GUI component to create query objects for searching through 
our database I have this piece of code that tries to compare from/to 
objects (Object types are normally Date/BigDecimal/Integer/...)
I have this piece of code:
if (fromValue instanceof Comparable && toValue != null) {
  *final Comparable fromCompare = (Comparable)from;*
  if (fromCompare.compareTo( toValue) >= 0) {

when running in super dev mode I get a runtime error, which is really not 
very helpful because the stack does not contain anything useful. 

Uncaught Error: com.google.web.bindery.event.shared.UmbrellaException: 
Exception caught: null
    at X$e_g$.Fm_g$ [as createError_0_g$] (Throwable.java:120)
    at X$e_g$.Pm_g$ [as initializeBackingError_0_g$] (Throwable.java:112)
    at X$e_g$.zm_g$ (Throwable.java:73)
    at X$e_g$.dn_g$ (Exception.java:33)
    at X$e_g$.ln_g$ (RuntimeException.java:33)
    at new X$e_g$ (UmbrellaException.java:65)
    at l$e_g$.s$e_g$ [as doFire_0_g$] (SimpleEventBus.java:203)
    at l$e_g$.z$e_g$ [as fireEventFromSource_0_g$] (SimpleEventBus.java:96)
    at TDl_g$.S6g_g$ [as fireEvent_0_g$] (PresenterWidget.java:321)
    at TDl_g$.R6g_g$ [as fireEvent_1_g$] (PresenterWidget.java:307)
    at CZe_g$ (ValueChangeEvent.java:43)
    at TDl_g$.DVk_g$ [as onDateChanged_0_g$] (DatePicker.java:115)
    at eWk_g$.fWk_g$ [as accept_2_g$] (DatePickerViewImpl.java:50)
    at UVk_g$.VVk_g$ [as fireEventWhenNotUpdating_0_g$] (DatePickerViewImpl.
    at UVk_g$.YVk_g$ [as lambda$0_20_g$] (DatePickerViewImpl.java:50)
    at Function.nWk_g$ (DatePickerViewImpl.java:50)
    at HTMLDivElement.lambda_0_g$ (Runtime.java:166)
    at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5206)
    at HTMLDivElement.q.handle (jquery.js:5014)
    at Object.trigger (jquery.js:8201)
    at HTMLDivElement.<anonymous> (jquery.js:8269)
    at Function.each (jquery.js:362)
    at r.fn.init.each (jquery.js:157)
    at r.fn.init.trigger (jquery.js:8268)
    at J (bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js:51)
    at aa (bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js:56)
    at ga (bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js:74)
    at HTMLDivElement.ha (bootstrap-datetimepicker.min.js:77)
    at HTMLDivElement.dispatch (jquery.js:5206)
    at HTMLDivElement.q.handle (jquery.js:5014)

When debugging I noticed that the failure actally happens on the second 
line when actually casting to Comparable (after I checked right before that 
it was a Comparable).

*final Comparable fromCompare = (Comparable)from;*
I first thought it only happened with Date objects, but I have the same 
behavior with BigDecimal for example.
Is this a known issue ? Is there a fix or workaround available ?


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