> With GWT getting old, this is becoming painful, because GWT did cool 
> things, like animation and date pickers and rich text editors, by brute 
> force back when that was necessary.  Now, however, HTML5 and other things 
> have evolved to offer better, cleaner solutions, but often it's difficult 
> to impossible to make GWT work with those solutions, because of the private 
> members.

Personally, I love GWTs Java to JS compiler, and its seamless RPC ability.  
As you mentioned, its widget library is now dated, and not great to work 
with.  I usually keep my use of it to a minimum, instead, creating my own 
components, or using an off the shelf solution.  Eg:  

*Put some effort into communication! *

Yes.  That would be nice.  :-)

Good rant.  I love GWT, and still hold out a lot of hope for GWT 3.0.

Off topic:  I do wonder how web assembly (WASM) is going to impact GWT, 
especially if it gets garbage collection, and therefore makes Java to WASM 
compilation possible.

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