On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 8:29 AM Peter Donald <pe...@realityforge.org> wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 12, 2019 at 7:31 AM John Huss <johnth...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Out of curiosity, how did you get this project to build successfully?
>> When I try to build it I see this:
>> $ ./bazel_build_test.sh
>> *ERROR: */Users/john/repos/elemental2/third_party/BUILD:21:1: no such
>> target '@com_google_javascript_closure_compiler//:externs': target
>> 'externs' not declared in package '' defined by
>> /private/var/tmp/_bazel_john/b729f51825638d22c4a92cfea6e4556d/external/com_google_javascript_closure_compiler/BUILD
>> and referenced by '//third_party:es6_collections'
> My guess is that you need to do something like this
> bazel clean --expunge
> This will remove all downloaded repositories (i.e. the closure-compiler
> source code as well as the other remote dependencies) and rebuild them. I
> believe after that it should build cleanly.

That said I just ran this and it seems to be running against the last
binary release of closure compiler ... not the current git repository ...
which will not produce the same jar as I generated as the closure externs
are outdated. I will need to poke around to figure out how to work arouns


Peter Donald

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