Thanks you save me a lot of time trying to do it with polymorphism
Le dimanche 27 septembre 2020 à 14:15:29 UTC+2, a écrit :

> IIRC, the editor framework works by static analysis, so it doesn't work 
> "well" with polymorphism (i.e. you'll have ValueAwareEditor<AbstractBean> 
> or even LeafValueEditor<AbstractBean> all over the place, and in 
> setValue/getValue/flush manually handle each subclass specificity). This 
> also means, IIRC and AFAICT, you cannot quite have such a Group subclass 
> but would have to put the (optional) listNodes property up in AbstractBean.
> We made something like this, but without the type hierarchy: a single 
> Criteria class with a CriteriaType enum property (group vs leaf) and all 
> the possible properties in that class (actually into a CriteriaValue class).
> Something like:
> enum CriteriaType {
>   Group, Field; // we actually have And, Or, Except, Field
> }
> class Criteria {
>   CriteriaType criteriaType;
>   CriteriaValue value; // only used if criteriaType == Field, should be 
> null otherwise
>   List<Criteria> criterias; // only used if criteriaType != Group, should 
> be null/empty otherwise
>   // we actually also have:
>   // a 'field' property telling us how to interpret the CriteriaValue, 
> that could be an enum with NodeDataType1, NodeDataType2 in your case
>   // an 'operator' enum property, that can be Equals, Contains, etc.
> }
> class CriteriaValue {
>   String stringValue;
>   Date dateValue;
>   Boolean booleanValue;
>   Integer integerValue;
>   // …
> }
> To make things more palatable, we've used a GroupCriteriaEditor and 
> FieldCriteriaEditor, the GroupCriteriaEditor instantiates the right editor 
> for each of its children depending on its type, in its setValue, but then 
> also calling their setValue.
> And the FieldCriteriaEditor instantiates the right CriteriaValueEditor 
> subclass (StringCriteriaValueEditor, BooleanCriteriaValueEditor, 
> StringAndBooleanCriteriaValueEditor, etc.) in its setValue too, but than 
> also calling its setValue.
> And the CriteriaValueEditor subclasses handle their sub-editors (TextBox, 
> CheckBox, etc.) in their setValue/flush, calling their setValue/getValue 
> and getting/setting the appropriate CriteriaValue field.
> All in all, we made them all implement ValueAwareEditor "for consistency", 
> but in the end we're not even using the Editor framework for this 
> hierarchical data structure.
> I *think* we could have leveraged the Editor framework had we built a 
> CriteriaValueEditor with subeditors for each CriteriaValue field, and have 
> subclasses initialise those subeditors (leaving the unneeded ones 'null') 
> and handling the "view", but it was 8-ish years ago so I can't really tell 
> whether we even tried it or not at the time, and what exactly (of 
> Mongo/Morphia, RequestFactory and/or the Editor framework) shaped our 
> choice for such a "flat" type "non-hierarchy" of data.
> On Sunday, September 27, 2020 at 11:52:55 AM UTC+2, 
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> My use case is to edit an hierachical list of node and group of nodes.
>> Starting from a root group, user can create/delete groups and 
>> create/delete/edit nodes inside group.
>> The Node have dynamic types. Type and the corresponding data is choosen 
>> at creation time.
>> Node is a leaf in the hierachy. Only 1 node can be edited at a time, all 
>> others are just displayed.
>> The model is :
>> // abstract for Node and Group of Node
>> class Abstractbean
>> {
>> String id;
>> String name;
>> }
>> class Node extends Abstractbean {
>> enum typeNode
>> NodeData data
>> }
>> class Group extends Abstractbean
>> {
>> List<Abstractbean> listNodes;
>> } 
>> //examples of type of data
>> class NodeDataType1 implements NodeData
>> {
>> String model;
>> ..
>> }
>> class NodeDataType2 implements NodeData
>> {
>> Date model;
>> ..
>> }
>> Do you think that Editor framework is a good choice for such an use case ?
>> Thanks in advance for any hints

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