We started using GWT in our project in 2009 (GWT 1.5.0!)
When we moved from Maven to Gradle in 2020 (one of the best decisions ever, 
because the project is complex, has a lot of code generation and Gradle's 
skipping of already executed tasks is a must - it was unbearable with 
Maven), we've also dropped the GWT Eclipse plugin altogether.
Also, we don't use a GWT plugin for Gradle either: instead, we just run 
either GWT codeserver or compiler via their main classes, setting up the 
classpath correctly.
To start with, as we already had multiple modules in the build system (api 
/ impl / web, etc), we've split the GWT classes to a new module (no longer 
the web project). 

Attached in this post is the anonymized and stripped down build.gradle file 
for the gwt module.

Finally, for us to be productive again in Eclipse, we've written a script 
that does the following:

   1. Delete the destination's nocache.js file
   2. Starts the code server via gradle, redirecting the output to a file
   3. Sleeps until the nocache.js file exists again
   4. Write the PID of the gradle process to a file
We run this from an Eclipse external tool, and have the tool's refresh 
option to refresh the web's project output dir. This way the publishing 
works flawlessly in Eclipse with a Tomcat server.

We've also created other 2 similar scripts / Eclipse tools: one to stop the 
codeserver (kill the process with the PID indicated in the file) and 
another one to show the codeserver log (tail -f1000 -n in the output file).

We'll never look back to neither the Eclipse plugin (which did many other 
things we don't use) nor to a Gradle plugin (which were mostly written once 
and abandoned, and Gradle evolves fast, introducing breaking changes, and 
that broke the project more than once).

Em domingo, 20 de fevereiro de 2022 às 08:33:18 UTC-3, t.br...@gmail.com 

> On Saturday, February 19, 2022 at 1:57:16 AM UTC+1 tequil...@gmail.com 
> wrote:
>> Hi Jasper
>> I'll be just glad if my current progress saves someone's time.
>> I progress on step by step basis, so far I succeeded in Eclipse build and 
>> debugging.
>> Most of my problems were caused by combination of JDK11+ (namely modules) 
>> + Gradle + Eclipse + Eclipse GWT Plugin. 
>> Reason: GWT SDK gwt-dev.jar contains lot of classes that must not be 
>> visible to Eclipse compiler, but in fact they are, causing dreaded "The 
>> package org.w3c.dom is accessible from more than one module: <unnamed>, 
>> java.xml" error.
>> When `gradle build` is issued in command line the gwt-dev.jar from the 
>> maven repository is linked, it contains exactly essential google classes 
>> and nothing more. Thus the build succeeds.
>> But when you import such project in Eclipse under JDK11+ (I use JDK17) 
>> and select a GWT SDK there're lots of build errors caused by "The package 
>> is accessible from more than one module"
> Can't you somehow disable the module path or put all dependencies in the 
> classpath rather than the module path?
> https://help.eclipse.org/latest/index.jsp?topic=%2Forg.eclipse.jdt.doc.user%2Freference%2Fref-properties-build-path.htm&resultof%3D%2522%256a%2570%256d%2573%2522%2520%2522%256a%2570%256d%2522%2520
> Alternatively, how about not using the Eclipse GWT Plugin?

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description = 'GWT client'

ext {
    buildWebapp = "${project(':projectname-web').buildDir}/generated/webapp"
    gwtDev = Boolean.getBoolean('gwt.development')

sourceSets {
    main {
        java {
            srcDir rpcSrc
            srcDir exceptionsSrc

configurations {
dependencies {
    api project(':projectname-api')
    implementation "com.google.gwt:gwt-user:$gwtVersion"
    implementation("com.github.branflake2267:gwt-maps-api:$googleMapsApiVersion") {
        transitive = false
    implementation "com.google.elemental2:elemental2-webstorage:$elementalVersion"
    implementation "com.google.elemental2:elemental2-dom:$elementalVersion"
    implementation "com.google.elemental2:elemental2-promise:$elementalVersion"

    gwt(project(':projectname-api')) { transitive = false }
    gwt files(project.sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs)
    gwt files(project.sourceSets.main.resources.srcDirs)
    gwt files(project(':projectname-common').sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs)
    gwt files(project(':projectname-api').sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs)
    gwt files(project(':projectname-api-core').sourceSets.main.java.srcDirs)
    gwt "com.google.gwt:gwt-user:$gwtVersion"
    gwt "com.google.code.gwtx:gwtx:$gwtxVersion"
    gwt "com.github.branflake2267:gwt-maps-api:$googleMapsApiVersion"
    gwt "com.google.elemental2:elemental2-webstorage:$elementalVersion"
    gwt "com.google.elemental2:elemental2-dom:$elementalVersion"
    gwt "com.google.elemental2:elemental2-promise:$elementalVersion"
    gwt "com.fasterxml.jackson.core:jackson-annotations:$jacksonVersion"
    gwt "com.google.gwt:gwt-dev:$gwtVersion"

task compileGwt(type: JavaExec) {
    dependsOn compileJava
    ext {
        outDir = "$buildWebapp/projectname.gwt"
    group = 'Build'
    description = 'Compile the GWT source'
    inputs.files configurations.gwt
    inputs.property 'development', gwtDev
    outputs.dir outDir
    classpath = configurations.gwt
    mainClass = 'com.google.gwt.dev.Compiler'
    args = []
    args += ['-sourceLevel', "1.${project.parent.ext.javaVersion}"]
    args += ['-war', buildWebapp]
    args += ['-logLevel', 'INFO']
    args += ['-workDir', "$buildDir/tmp/gwt"]
    args += ['-XfragmentCount', '6']
    args += ['-failOnError']
    if (gwtDev) {
        args += ['-style', 'PRETTY']
        args += ['-draftCompile']
        args += ['-optimize', '0']
        args += ['-XmethodNameDisplayMode', 'ABBREVIATED']
        args += ['org.projectname.ProjectNameDev']
    } else {
        args += ['-style', 'OBFUSCATED']
        args += ['-optimize', '9']
        args += ['-XnoclassMetadata']
        args += ['org.projectname.ProjectName']
task cleanGwtTemp {
    doLast {
        ant.delete(dir: "$buildWebapp/projectname.gwt")
        ant.delete(dir: "$buildDir/tmp/gwt")
cleanCompileGwt {
    dependsOn cleanGwtTemp
clean {
    dependsOn cleanGwtTemp

task gwtSuperDev(type: JavaExec) {
    dependsOn compileJava
    description = 'Run the GWT code server for Super Dev Mode'
    classpath = configurations.gwt
    mainClass = 'com.google.gwt.dev.codeserver.CodeServer'
    args = []
    args += ['-sourceLevel', "1.${project.parent.ext.javaVersion}"]
    args += ['-launcherDir', buildWebapp]
    args += ['-logLevel', 'INFO']
    args += ['-workDir', "$buildDir/tmp/gwt"]
    args += ['-precompile']
    args += ['-failOnError']
    args += ['-bindAddress', '']
    args += ['org.projectname.ProjectNameDev']

    doFirst {

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