I'm now using the following for GWT in our build.gradle files.

I've remove the gwtVersion from the gwt block and switched to using gwtSdk to specify the GWT version.

Really not sure why it keeps getting overridden from dependencies, I would have thought that pulling in gwt-dev would have Gradle pull in the newer version automatically. Is this possibly a bug with the plugin?

I have explicitly specified the htmlunit dependency to get superdev mode to working again.

plugins {
   id"java" id"war" id"org.docstr.gwt" id"org.gretty" }

dependencies {
gwtSdk'org.gwtproject:gwt-user:2.10.0' gwtSdk'org.gwtproject:gwt-dev:2.10.0' providedCompile"net.sourceforge.htmlunit:htmlunit:2.55.0" // to get superdev mode working }

On 8/9/22 15:00, Colin Alworth wrote:
My apologies, I didn't notice your attachment until I had already hit send. Checking the list shows that gwt-materialdesign is bringing in an old version of htmlunit (GWT 2.10.0 updated this also), which is in turn bringing in some old jetty versions: |    |    \--- org.eclipse.jetty.websocket:websocket-client:9.2.18.v20160721
|    |         +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-util:9.2.18.v20160721
*|    |         +--- org.eclipse.jetty:jetty-io:9.2.18.v20160721*

I can't speak to how your Gradle setup is configured, but I think you should have an explicit compile dependency on gwt-dev:2.10.0, which should at least force jetty-io and htmlunit to be updated to the expected versions.

On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 1:58:04 PM UTC-5 Colin Alworth wrote:

    Your stack trace lines up except for the top frame - jetty-io
    9.4.4.v20210927 has a blank line for SelectorManager.java:81, and
    the source for the file at that version doesn't contain the string
    "No selectors". On the other hand, jetty-io 9.2.14.v20151116 has
    this as a constructor (and line 81 is where it throws):
        protected SelectorManager(Executor executor, Scheduler
    scheduler, int selectors)
            if (selectors<=0)
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("No selectors");
            this.executor = executor;
            this.scheduler = scheduler;
            _selectors = new ManagedSelector[selectors];

    This much older version of jetty-io is the general version of
    Jetty that GWT 2.9 used (as well as a few earlier GWT versions).

    My guess is that you have correctly updated GWT, and the expected
    version of Jetty has been updated (9.4.44), except somehow you
    have a dependency on the old version of jetty-io. Check the rest
    of your classpath, or the particular gradle plugin you are using?

    On Tuesday, August 9, 2022 at 9:20:42 AM UTC-5 Michael Joyner wrote:


        I've managed to break my GWT setup again. This time for
        superdev mode. Looking for suggestions on where the (I assume)
        Jetty conflict is coming from.

        Getting the following stacktrace after "Module setup
        completed" is logged when trying to run "./gradlew

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No selectors

        We are using Gradle with the wisepersist GWT plugin:

        id"org.wisepersist.gwt" version"1.1.18" id"org.gretty" version"3.0.8"

        gwt {

        gwtVersion ="2.10.0" src += 

        logLevel ="INFO" maxHeapSize ="2048M";
             modules'com.newsrx.butter.Butter' compiler{ disableClassMetadata 
                 strict =true;
                 style ="OBF";
             } // allow sdm on simultaneous modules // devModules
        'com.newsrx.dailies.DailiesBrowser' superDev{ noPrecompile =false;
                 failOnError =false;
                 bindAddress ="";
             } }

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