I haven't seen this come up before in a scan like this, thanks for sharing!

This is due to the compiler, but rather than obfuscation, this is due to 
the compiler solving for a constant value rather than doing the math at 
runtime. This same constant appears in the GWT showcase as well, at 
https://samples.gwtproject.org/samples/Showcase/Showcase.html in the 


This is slightly different from yours, and not just in the obfuscation - I 
suspect that you have emulated stack traces enabled, which should allow you 
to check the value of the NWl and RWk constants to confirm - they should be 
the "stack trace element" information, like class+method name, line number 

In this case, that particular line comes from Image.java's constructor. 
That calls the constructor of the inner class UnclippedState, which has 
these lines:
    UnclippedState(Image image) {
      // We are working around an IE race condition that can make the image
      // incorrectly cache itself if the load event is assigned at the same 
      // as the image is added to the dom.
      Event.sinkEvents(image.getElement(), Event.ONLOAD);

      // Todo(ecc) this could be more efficient overall.
      image.sinkEvents(Event.ONCLICK | Event.ONDBLCLICK | Event.MOUSEEVENTS 
| Event.ONLOAD
          | Event.ONERROR | Event.ONMOUSEWHEEL | Event.TOUCHEVENTS | 

That chained | expression results in the number you're seeing. Then, that 
value is passed to Widget.sinkEvents(), which looks like this:
  public void sinkEvents(int eventBitsToAdd) {
    if (isOrWasAttached()) {
    } else {
      eventsToSink |= eventBitsToAdd;

The isOrWasAttached() call is a comparison of a field to -1, and a ternary 
is used instead of an if/else for this:
a.db==-1 ? 

Now it becomes clear that "this.eventsToSink" is "a.db", and 
"eventBitsToAdd" is the constant int 133333119.

Links to github source to confirm:

So - this is not a SSN, but just happens to have the same number of digits. 
On Tuesday, April 11, 2023 at 1:35:58 PM UTC-5 cyclop...@gmail.com wrote:

> We hava a GWT project, and user use WebInspect to scan, then they found a 
> critial issue as below in the file 30.cache.js
> [image: Snap10.jpg]
> [image: ssn.png]
> What's the "133333119" ?
> Is that bacause GWT obfuscate ?
> Sorry we don't have the source codes of this GWT project (We just have WAR 
> file only)
> Many thx.

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