May be the following links will help you


On Feb 17, 3:20 pm, Damon <> wrote:
> I am using GWT 1.5.3 from within Eclipse, and am puzzled by how files
> are getting copied to the directory specified by the GWTShell -out
> option.
> Here's my setup:
> My eclipse "run configuration" runs GWTShell with arguments: -noserver
> -out xquery/www -port 6200 StockWatcher.xqy
> (note the .xqy file serves my xhtml main page from an xml datastore).
> I originally copied the contents of <project>/www to <project>/xquery/
> www so that all files would be available to my server.
> I have (randomly) restarted the hosted shell and clicked "compile/
> browse" a few times now.
> The problems I'm seeing are:
> 1) .css changes are not showing up in my hosted environment.  They do
> show up if I compile and view in a browser.
> 2) changing to the chrome stylesheet in StockWatcher.gwt.xml has no
> effect.
> Are there docs for what is moved/copied where under what
> circumstances?
> Damon
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