Hello All,

I am currently developing an application with GWT. It has all I need
in order to create a smart/dynamic user interface. But I just would
like to start a discussion about the usage of Grid, FlexTable,
Vertical Panel, HorizontalPanel and all other component in GWT that
generates after the compilation HTML Table structures. When  I started
my developing I did use a lot those components. But today, I can
create my layout organization only using the FlowPanel component which
generates a HTML <div>. By using FlowPanel and CSS I can build my
layout and place my fields, images, links where I want.

Now I only use GRID, FlexTable when I really want to display a search
result. That is the goal of Tableless right?

This is my feedback:

I found out that is much more easy and fast to use FlowPanel + CSS to
build layouts than any other GWT components. I only use GRID,
FlexTable and similar when I am displaying a real "Grid".
I chose FlowPanel to organize my layout because it generates after the
compilation a <div> element. If I add CSS to it, I can do whatever I
want with my layout without changing the Java code.

What I expect from the community:

1. I would appreciate if you can share your experience in terms of
layout organization with GWT and the usage of Grid, FlexTable,
Vertical Panel, HorizontalPanel components in your code.
2. Are there others developers with similar strategy: FlowPanel + CSS?
3. Does anyone know if GWT can be faster if it has to build a layout
with less <table> tags?

Thank you in advance.
José Vicente

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