Hi all, I've found the cause of the memory leak isolating by some
piece of code. It seems not to be caused by gwt-ext but when I make
the map.addOverlay(createMarker(point,  myObject));

where createMarker is:

Icon icon = Icon.newInstance(baseIcon);


        GWT.log("Carico immagine "+icon.getImageURL(), null);
        LabeledMarkerOptions options = LabeledMarkerOptions.newInstance



        //200209Miki: se l'id nave è lungo una solo cifra va bene
            options.setLabelOffset(Size.newInstance(1, -26));
        //altrimenti devo shiftare la label di due posti a sinistra...
            options.setLabelOffset(Size.newInstance(-2, -26));

        LabeledMarker marker = new LabeledMarker(point, options);

        ((Marker)marker).addMarkerClickHandler(new MarkerClickHandler
() {

            public void onClick(MarkerClickEvent event) {
                //050209Miki: gestisco qui il popup informativo
                InfoWindow info = map.getInfoWindow();

                new InfoWindowContent(
                "<div style='width:150px;height:65px; font-size:12px'
" +
                "class='info-window'>" +
                //"<p><img width='35px' src='"+GWT.getModuleBaseURL()
+"'images/logonave.png' align='left'></p>" +
                "Nome nave: <b>"+nave.getNomeNave()+"</b><br/>" +
                "Localita' Partenza: " +nave.getLocalitaPartenza()
+"<br/>" +
                "Localita' Arrivo: "+nave.getLocalitaPartenza()+"<br/
>" //+
                //"Merci Pericolose a Bordo: " +



        return marker;

It' squite strange but now I'm sure the issue is with this piece of
is     map.clearOverlays(); sufficient to deallocate the previous

On 24 Feb, 10:56, Alexey_Tsiunchik <alexey.tsiunc...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> We already have discussion about GWT memory management 
> here:http://groups.google.com/group/Google-Web-Toolkit/browse_thread/threa...
> Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 11:31:44 AM, you wrote:
> > I've tried reloading, I made a mistake some posts ago.. memory
> > decreases only if the browser is closed and then opened again. Only
> > reloading causes a bigger increment of memory usage.
> > On 24 Feb, 10:20, koalina <koalin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Hi alex,
> >> sorry but I can't see how fix the number of rows as I'm using a
> >> memoryProxy object.
> >> So, the timer is defined as follows:
> >> Timer t = new Timer() {
> >>             public void run() {
> >>                 getShipInfo();
> >>             }
> >>         };
> >>  where getShipInfo() is
> >> private void getShipInfo() {
> >>         MainEntryPoint.getServiceWsNaviInMare().getInfoNaviInMare(new
> >> AsyncCallback() {
> >>             public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
> >>                 throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported
> >> yet.");
> >>             }
> >>             public void onSuccess(Object result) {
> >>                 Vector listaNavi = (Vector) result;
> >>                 GWT.log("Lista Navi Ricevuta: "+listaNavi.toString(),
> >> null);
> >>                 if (listaNavi.size()>0) {
> >>                     Object[][] data = new Object[listaNavi.size()]
> >> [15];
> >>                     Iterator i = listaNavi.iterator();
> >>                     int index = 0;
> >>                     while (i.hasNext()) {
> >>                         Nave unaNave = (Nave) i.next();
> >>                         data[index] = new Object[]{
> >>                             unaNave.getIdNave(), unaNave.getNomeNave
> >> (),
> >>                             unaNave.getLocalita(), unaNave.getImbarco
> >> (),
> >>                             etc....
> >>                         GWT.log("Nave "+data[index][0]+data[index]
> >> [1].toString(), null);
> >>                         index++;
> >>                         unaNave =  null;
> >>                     }
> >>                     if (store!=null) {
> >>                         store.removeAll();
> >>                     }
> >>                     MemoryProxy proxy = new MemoryProxy(data);
> >>                     ArrayReader reader = new ArrayReader(recordDef);
> >>                     store = new Store(proxy, reader);
> >>                     store.load();
> >>                     store.commitChanges();
> >>                     grid.reconfigure(store, columnModel);
> >>                     //240209Miki: x diminuire memory leak ...
> >>                     grid.clear();
> >>                     data = null;
> >>                     proxy = null;
> >>                     reader =null;
> >>                     store = null;
> >>                 }
> >>             }
> >>         });
> >> }
> >> I've tried with FF and there's no problem...so it's an issue with ie7.
> >> Can you see some big error in the code i posted just above? thx for
> >> help!
> >> Michela
> >> On 24 Feb, 09:48, "alex.d" <alex.dukhov...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> >> > Assuming adding/removing markers to/from the map is leakless (google
> >> > probably knows how to do this ;-) we are left with gwt-ext grid. Every
> >> > 10 sec you remove old rows and add new ones. So you have some DOM-
> >> > Elements (a table row) that are removed/created every 10 seconds.
> >> > Probably it's a grid's particular implementation that leaks. But most
> >> > probably it's just IE that doesn't really remove garbage properly even
> >> > when it can/should. So what can you do?
> >> > 1. If it's grid that leaks: dump it - implement smth. yourself with
> >> > vanilla GWT.
> >> > 2. It it's IE: let's say the total ammount of markers is never bigger
> >> > than 25 - you can create 25 rows in the table and instead of adding/
> >> > removing them you just change the text. This way you'll have slightly
> >> > more memory allocated at the beginning but hopefully no leaks while
> >> > running because no DOM-Elements are created/removed.
> >> > hth
> >> > On 24 Feb., 09:14, koalina <koalin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > Hi Jason, yes, reloading page cause memory usage fall out.
> >> > > My app is quite simple: a gwt ext tab panel, the first tab showing the
> >> > > map widget, the second one a gwt ext grid with a few rows (more or
> >> > > less 10), each one with some information about the markers showed.
> >> > > I've three "thread", implemented as Timer, which refresh positions of
> >> > > markers, informations and last update time. Each thread make a rpc
> >> > > call and is always running, even when the tab of interest is not
> >> > > active....
> >> > > Do you see some critical issue in this application?
> >> > > thx for help, have a nice day
> >> > > Michela
> >> > > On 23 Feb, 20:55, Jason Essington <jason.essing...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > > Well, I've read various articles claiming that IE leaks like a sieve 
> >> > > >  
> >> > > > (don't have any references for you right now, but I'm sure google  
> >> > > > could help).
> >> > > > One thing to try is does IE's memory usage come down when you reload 
> >> > > >  
> >> > > > the page, or load a new page?
> >> > > > -jason
> >> > > > On Feb 23, 2009, at 8:44 AM, koalina wrote:
> >> > > > > is there anyone who knows about memory leaks in this case?I've a
> >> > > > > tabPanel, but tab are not dinamically added, a MapWidget, 
> >> > > > > periodically
> >> > > > > rpc to refresh marker on map
> >> > > > > I'm really getting crazy!
> >> > > > > thx,
> >> > > > > Michela
> >> > > > > On 23 Feb, 14:37, koalina <koalin...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > > >> I'm using google maps api for gwt, no memory leak found
> >> > > > >> gwt-ext, some leaks found, but it seems not to be my case...
> >> > > > >> please note that with JScript leaks detect there's no leak 
> >> > > > >> found...
> >> > > > >> could it be a problem with ajaxLoader?or perhaps something coming 
> >> > > > >>  
> >> > > > >> from
> >> > > > >> timer.scheduleRepeating with rpc inside run body?
> >> > > > >> Michela
> >> > > > >> On 23 Feb, 14:29, Mahavir Jain <vir.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > > >>> You should try googling out for memory-leaks for the packages 
> >> > > > >>> you  
> >> > > > >>> are
> >> > > > >>> using..
> >> > > > >>> For eg:- If you are using Image bundles then try googling the  
> >> > > > >>> memory leaks
> >> > > > >>> related to image bundles..
> >> > > > >>> Hope this will help.
> >> > > > >>> Thanks.
> >> > > > >>> Mahavir
> >> > > > >>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 6:49 PM, koalina <koalin...@gmail.com>  
> >> > > > >>> wrote:
> >> > > > >>>> it is present web mode running on dedicated tomcat (I don't 
> >> > > > >>>> know  
> >> > > > >>>> for
> >> > > > >>>> hosted mode..).
> >> > > > >>>> iexplorer.exe process exponential grows..
> >> > > > >>>> On 23 Feb, 13:03, Eric Ayers <zun...@google.com> wrote:
> >> > > > >>>>> Is this a problem in web mode, hosted mode, or both?
> >> > > > >>>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 7:01 AM, koalina <koalin...@gmail.com> 
> >> > > > >>>>>  
> >> > > > >>>>> wrote:
> >> > > > >>>>>> hi Mahavir ,
> >> > > > >>>>>> thx for your reply.
> >> > > > >>>>>> I'm working with gwt 1.5.3 and ie7, is this issue valid also 
> >> > > > >>>>>> in  
> >> > > > >>>>>> this
> >> > > > >>>>>> case?
> >> > > > >>>>>> thx,
> >> > > > >>>>>> Michela
> >> > > > >>>>>> On 23 Feb, 12:57, Mahavir Jain <vir.j...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > > > >>>>>>> I am not sure whether this applies to you or not but there 
> >> > > > >>>>>>> is  
> >> > > > >>>>>>> memory
> >> > > > >>>> leak
> >> > > > >>>>>>> issue in IE6 browser for all RPC call.. You can check the 
> >> > > > >>>>>>> issue
> >> > > > >>>> onhttp://code.google.com/p/google-web-toolkit/issues/detail?
> >> > > > >>>> id=1610..
> >> > > > >>>>>>> But this is not case for firefox.. Did you tried on firefox?
> >> > > > >>>>>>> Mahavir
> >> > > > >>>>>>> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:13 PM, koalina 
> >> > > > >>>>>>> <koalin...@gmail.com>  
> >> > > > >>>>>>> wrote:
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> Hi all,
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> I've developed a gwt app using MapWidget. The markers 
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> showed  
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> on the
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> map are periodically refreshed via rpc calls. The refresh 
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> time
> >> > > > >>>> period
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> is 10 seconds. The app correctly runs for about an hour, 
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> then  
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> the
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> memory used increase exponentially... I've installed the js 
> >> > > > >>>>>>>>  
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> leaks
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> inspector for ie7, but no leak is catched... What can i do 
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> to
> >> > > > >>>> resolve
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> this problem? I've reviewed all code..but everything seems 
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> to  
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> be
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> correct...
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> Thx for helping, have a nice day,
> >> > > > >>>>>>>> Michela
> >> > > > >>>>> --
> >> > > > >>>>> Eric Z. Ayers - GWT Team - Atlanta, GA USAhttp://
> >> > > > >>>> code.google.com/webtoolkit/
> --
> Best regards,
>  Alexey_Tsiunchik                            mailto:alexey.tsiunc...@gmail.com
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