If you check the URL it is GnetsProject//ReportService instead of

Before your ReportService Async check whether it is in Depolyed mode
or in hosted mode using GWT.isScript and depending upon that form the


Allahbaksh Mohammedali Asadullah,

On Feb 25, 1:43 am, Superman859 <russ.d.hollo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I am having some trouble connecting to server with GWT-RPC on the
> development server (Tomcat 5), although when running in hosted mode
> the application connects correctly to the built in Tomcat server
> without any issues.
> I'm using Cypal Studio, and used it to export a .war file.  I uploaded
> that .war file, and the client interface works when I navigate to it.
> When I click save, the form attempts to connect and I get
> Status 404 - File not Found GnetsProject//ReportService
> from Throwable caught (caught.getMessage())
> Where ReportService.java was the synchronous interface in
> com.gnets.client package.
> (To view the error yourself, 
> visithttp://www.russellholloway.com/GnetsProject/GnetsProject.html#weeklyR...
> and go to WeeklyReports section, Add report, type in first, last for
> name and click save)
> What would cause this issue?  It works in Hosted Mode, but I cannot
> figure out why it is giving this message online.
> The save button calls
> ReportController.createReport(), which calls serviceProxy.createReport
> () (created using GWT.create(), which should connect to
> ReportServlet.java extends RemoteServiceServlet implements
> ReportService which is on server.  Finally, this is supposed to call
> POJO WeeklyReportServiceImpl() which processes data.
> ReportController - creates RPC connection, calls using the proxy.
> endpoint should be
> GWT.getModuleBaseURL() + "/ReportService"
> ReportService - synch interface
> ReportServiceAsync - async
> ReportServlet - server file receiving object.  extends
> RemoteServiceServlet impl ReportService
> WeeklyReportServiceImpl - processes data.  POJO implements
> ReportService
> gwt.xml file has
> <servlet path="/ReportService" class="com.gnets.server.ReportServlet" /
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