
I have a small template of this and will post it where you want me
to ;)
This afternoon, I analyzed stack trace and found some "strange" code
in CompilingClassLoader GWT class (http://code.google.com/p/google-web-
shell/CompilingClassLoader.java ):

  protected synchronized Class<?> findClass(String className)
      throws ClassNotFoundException {
    if (className == null) {
      throw new ClassNotFoundException("null class name",
          new NullPointerException());

    // Don't mess with anything in the standard Java packages.
    if (isInStandardJavaPackage(className)) {
      // make my superclass load it
      throw new ClassNotFoundException(className);

As far as I understand, every class (and annotations) from java and
javax package are not managed by this class loader, which could lead
to the issue.
I still have to validate this analysis by debugging this method step
by step.

If I am right, I will open an issue about it in GWT project.


On 4 mar, 14:52, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> That doesn't really make sense to me either. We use JPA annotated
> beans on the client side all the time and all of them have
> CascadeType. We don't use either Gilead or GXT, so it might have
> something to do with those libraries. Can you try to create small
> sample project without those libraries and see if hosted mode launches
> with the JPA annotations? Then add the Gilead library, see if it
> works, then add the GXT library and see if it works.
> --
> Arthur Kalmenson
> On Tue, Mar 3, 2009 at 5:57 PM, grishag <grigori.gold...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > It's strange but I'm not running with the embedded Tomcat. I used the
> > "noserver" option and deployed my code to a standalone server (Tomcat
> > 6.0.18). So according to your last comment it should be working. Could
> > you please post a link to the Gilead forum you've mentioned? I just
> > tried to find it with no luck. I don't see why this would work in the
> > web mode anyway because it still goes through the process of trying to
> > compile the annotated code. I actually had a look at the offending
> > line CompilingClassLoader line 579 and sure enough if the package
> > starts with java or javax it throws this exception. Why gwt emulation
> > not working when running in hosted mode but works during compiling
> > beats me.
> > Thanks for your help.
> > On Mar 4, 5:19 am, noon <bruno.marches...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> Some more precisions, since this is a recurrent issue related in
> >> Gilead forum :
> >>     - The offending annotation is *always* CascadeType. The code
> >> source is the same as regular JPA annotation.
> >>     - Not a classpath issue : I repoduced the issue with the JAR on
> >> classpath, and no way to tell Hosted Mode to take it into account
> >>     - Only the "embedded" hosted mode fails, web mode is ok.
> >> Regards
> >> Bruno
> >> On 3 mar, 15:38, Arthur Kalmenson <arthur.k...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >> > Hmm, have you checked the classpath you use for your GWTCompile and
> >> > hosted mode launching in Ant? Make sure they're the same. Hosted mode
> >> > works fine with JPA annotations here (although we do use Maven). It
> >> > looks like it might be a classpath issue.
> >> > --
> >> > Arthur Kalmenson
> >> > On Mon, Mar 2, 2009 at 9:48 PM, grishag <grigori.gold...@gmail.com> 
> >> > wrote:
> >> > > Hi,
> >> > > I have a problem running GWT in hosted mode using JPA annotated domain
> >> > > classes. I can compile my project to JavaScript, package it up in a
> >> > > war and run it on a server no problem but I can't do the same in
> >> > > hosted mode. Really annoying, without hosted mode development is
> >> > > really slow.
> >> > > Here is what I have done:
> >> > > 1. I have one module that defines my domain classes (sitting under the
> >> > > GWT client package) and DAO classes (under GWT server pacakge). The
> >> > > following is the gwt.xml file for this module:
> >> > > <module>
> >> > >        <inherits name='net.sf.gilead.Adapter4Gwt15'/>
> >> > >        <inherits name='net.sf.gilead.emul.java5.ejb3.Ejb3'/>
> >> > > </module>
> >> > > 2. The second module implements the client UI and the RPC service that
> >> > > uses the domain objects from the first module:
> >> > > <module>
> >> > >        <inherits name="com.google.gwt.user.User"/>
> >> > >        <inherits name="com.extjs.gxt.ui.GXT"/>
> >> > >        <inherits name="com.extjs.gxt.themes.Themes" />
> >> > >        <inherits
> >> > > name='au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.domain.DomainModel' />
> >> > >        <stylesheet src="css/ext-all.css" />
> >> > >        <entry-point
> >> > > class='au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.StratigraphicLegends'/
> >> > > </module>
> >> > > Like I said I can compile this using GWTCompiler and run it all on a
> >> > > standalone server but not in hosted mode (I'm using the noserver
> >> > > option).
> >> > > I've been through my classpath multiple times and everything looks
> >> > > fine but I'm still getting this error no matter what I do. If anyone
> >> > > has any idea why this is happening and most importantly how to fix
> >> > > this it would be greatly appreciated. I've been battling with this
> >> > > thing for a day and a half and I'm out of ideas.
> >> > > Thank you.
> >> > > Buildfile: U:\projects\GeoDataVic2alt\build.xml
> >> > > gwt.run:
> >> > >     [java] java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/persistence/
> >> > > CascadeType
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods0(Native Method)
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.privateGetDeclaredMethods(Unknown
> >> > > Source)
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods(Unknown Source)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.DispatchClassInfo.lazyInitTargetMembersUsingReflectionHelper
> >> > > (DispatchClassInfo.java:184)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.DispatchClassInfo.lazyInitTargetMembers
> >> > > (DispatchClassInfo.java:146)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.DispatchClassInfo.getMemberId
> >> > > (DispatchClassInfo.java:55)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.CompilingClassLoader
> >> > > $DispatchClassInfoOracle.getDispId(CompilingClassLoader.java:130)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.CompilingClassLoader.getDispId
> >> > > (CompilingClassLoader.java:531)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchProxy.getIDsOfNames
> >> > > (IDispatchProxy.java:124)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.GetIDsOfNames
> >> > > (IDispatchImpl.java:273)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.method5
> >> > > (IDispatchImpl.java:189)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback5
> >> > > (COMObject.java:108)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COM.VtblCall(Native
> >> > > Method)
> >> > >     [java]     at org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.IDispatch.Invoke
> >> > > (IDispatch.java:64)
> >> > >     [java]     at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation.invoke
> >> > > (OleAutomation.java:493)
> >> > >     [java]     at org.eclipse.swt.ole.win32.OleAutomation.invoke
> >> > > (OleAutomation.java:417)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.ModuleSpaceIE6.doInvokeOnWindow
> >> > > (ModuleSpaceIE6.java:67)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.ModuleSpaceIE6.doInvoke
> >> > > (ModuleSpaceIE6.java:152)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.invokeNative
> >> > > (ModuleSpace.java:447)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.invokeNativeObject
> >> > > (ModuleSpace.java:228)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.JavaScriptHost.invokeNativeObject
> >> > > (JavaScriptHost.java:91)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.service.StratigraphicLegendsService_TypeSerializer.createMethodMap
> >> > > (transient source for
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.service.StratigraphicLegendsService_TypeSerializer)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.service.StratigraphicLegendsService_TypeSerializer.<clinit>
> >> > > (transient source for
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.service.StratigraphicLegendsService_TypeSerializer:
> >> > > 10)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.service.StratigraphicLegendsService_Proxy.<clinit>
> >> > > (transient source for
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.service.StratigraphicLegendsService_Proxy:
> >> > > 12)
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.loadClassFromSourceName
> >> > > (ModuleSpace.java:516)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.rebindAndCreate
> >> > > (ModuleSpace.java:360)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.GWTBridgeImpl.create
> >> > > (GWTBridgeImpl.java:39)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.core.client.GWT.create(GWT.java:97)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > au.gov.vic.dpi.mpd.geodatavic2.module.legends.client.StratigraphicLegends.<clinit>
> >> > > (StratigraphicLegends.java:40)
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.forName0(Native Method)
> >> > >     [java]     at java.lang.Class.forName(Unknown Source)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.loadClassFromSourceName
> >> > > (ModuleSpace.java:516)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ModuleSpace.onLoad
> >> > > (ModuleSpace.java:299)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.BrowserWidget.attachModuleSpace
> >> > > (BrowserWidget.java:329)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6.access$300
> >> > > (BrowserWidgetIE6.java:37)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6$External.gwtOnLoad
> >> > > (BrowserWidgetIE6.java:76)
> >> > >     [java]     at
> >> > > com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.BrowserWidgetIE6$External.invoke
> >> > > (BrowserWidgetIE6.java:139)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.Invoke
> >> > > (IDispatchImpl.java:294)
> >> > >     [java]     at com.google.gwt.dev.shell.ie.IDispatchImpl.method6
> >> > > (IDispatchImpl.java:194)
> >> > >     [java]     at 
> >> > > org.eclipse.swt.internal.ole.win32.COMObject.callback6
> >> > > (COMObject.java:117)
> >> > >     [java]     at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessageW
> >> > > (Native Method)
> >> > >     [java]     at org.eclipse.swt.internal.win32.OS.DispatchMessage
> ...
> plus de détails »
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