AFAIK, it's possible to add the stuff using <super-source/> in your gwt.xml
(just google super-source gwt).

There's some discussion in the comments there I believe regarding the same
thing you're trying to do.

On Thu, Mar 19, 2009 at 9:45 AM, Domenec <>wrote:

> Hello, my setup is:
> Application #1 is a GWT app. There is RPC, so the interfaces and
> associated POJO's that define the RPC call are within the client
> package, so that they can be translated into JavaScript.
> On the server side of app#1 there is a call to web services. Those web
> services are implemented in app#2. App#2 exposes web services with
> XFire. XFire uses an interface and POJO's for exposing web services.
> The interfaces and POJO's in both app#1 and app#2 are the same
> classes, this lets RPC server side of app#1 seamlessly act as a client
> of app#2. Reason is that app#1 is exposed to the Internet and app#2
> deals with critical data in a more protected network. Server side of
> #1 is just a bridge towards #2.
> All of the above, works. Now I've been asked to manage builds with
> Maven, shouldn't be an issue, but...
> It is clear that common objects of #1 and #2 require their source code
> in client package of #1 for getting translated into JavaScript. Having
> them as a common jar generated by a third Maven project would not work
> as the source code would not be exposed to the GWT compiler.
> So, does any one see an elegant solution? So far I see:
> - With an ant task, WAR of #1 can be unpacked and needed classes be
> JAR'd and added to the Maven repository and let #2 use them.
> - There are attachClasses options of war:war MOJO which I have to try,
> they seem to generate an attached JAR, haven't tried this yet.
> I'll try the second option first (and update this post), but external
> opinions are welcome.
> >

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