Hi Soren,
No solutions to suggest for the problem you're experiencing as of yet, but a
couple of questions to help figure out what's going on:

1) Does this only occur in Firefox? If this fails in other browsers, what
kind of error messages / application loading behaviour do you observe there?

2) Is there anything special about how you're attaching your GWT module do
you host page? Is GWT the entire page itself, or added as a part of an
existing fully-fledged application page? Also, in either of these last two
cases, are you adding your GWT module as a panel to the RootPanel, or as a

Hopefully this will help narrow down the issue.

Hope that helps,
-Sumit Chandel

2009/3/19 Søren Brønsted <sorenbrons...@gmail.com>

> I just downloaded 1.6.2 and converted my project so that I have no
> errors and warnings, but my application will not load.
> I have compiled with style DETAILED and loaded the application i
> Firefox, and firebug reports an error in this code:
>        function maybeStartModule() {
>                if (scriptsDone && loadDone) {
>                        var iframe = $doc.getElementById($intern_1);
>                        var frameWnd = iframe.contentWindow;
>                        if (isHostedMode()) {
>                                frameWnd.__gwt_getProperty = function(name)
> {
>                                        return computePropValue(name);
>                                };
>                        }
>                        groupapp = null;
> -->>>>                  frameWnd.gwtOnLoad(onLoadErrorFunc, $intern_1,
> base);
>                        $stats && $stats( {
>                                moduleName :$intern_1,
>                                subSystem :$intern_2,
>                                evtGroup :$intern_6,
>                                millis :(new Date()).getTime(),
>                                type :$intern_7
>                        });
>                }
>        }
> with they message "frameWnd is undefined". I stops marked by ">>>>"
> I guess that this is an entry point and the error does not say much,
> and I am not an expert on javascript.
> I there anyway to get more information on whats is going on?
> I have tryed to debug my application but the error happens before
> entry point is reached.
> Any suggestions?
> regards
> Søren
> --
> Søren Brønsted
> Kirkebjergvej 2
> 4623 Lille Skensved
> +45 30 64 63 50
> www.bronsted.dk
> >

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