Hello everyone.

I have this situation:

|    ScrollPanel                                               |
|   __________________________________     |
|   | AbsolutePanel                                    |     |
|   |                                                          |     |
|   |     ___________                                  |     |
|   |     | cell selector|                                 |     |
|   |     |__________ |                                 |     |
|   |                                                          |     |
|   |                                                          |     |
|   |_________________________________|     |

When the users clicks the absolute panel (which has a background image
simulating a grid) the cell selector is moved in order to visually-
simulate the cell selection. It works fine on firefox and IE, but on
webkit-based browsers when the ScrollPanel has been scrolled and I
click on the absolutePanel, it automatically scrolls back the
scrollPanel to [0,0].

Any ideas? It is a bug in GWT or I must compute the [top,left] of the
cell selector in a different way?

Here is how I compute the cell selector's top and left:
public void clickAction(Event event){
                int x = DOM.eventGetClientX(event)
                          - DOM.getAbsoluteLeft(getElement())
                         + DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollLeft")
                         + Window.getScrollLeft();
                int y = DOM.eventGetClientY(event)
                        - DOM.getAbsoluteTop(getElement())
                        + DOM.getElementPropertyInt(getElement(), "scrollTop")
                        + Window.getScrollTop();
(Calendario.eventAreaSelector, x - (x % CalUtils.getDayWidth()), y -
(y % CalUtils.UNIT_HEIGHT));

Thanks in advance.
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